Explain the nature of DPSP? What are the difficulties to implement the DPSP? 

DPSP are enumerated in part IV of the constitution under article 36 -51. Objective of DPSP is to create welfare state where social and economic democracy is achieved through legitimate ways. They are non-enforceable in nature i.e. one cannot go to court for their non implementation. Since independence government through statute or constitutional amendments have … Read more Explain the nature of DPSP? What are the difficulties to implement the DPSP? 

Independence of judiciary is must for healthy democracy. Discuss the provisions   to maintain an independent judiciary.

Judiciary independence is must to maintain a healthy democracy. It keeps a check on the power of legislature and executive. But in the process the power to check shall not be diluted. our constitution makers and evolving judicial interpretation has helped to maintain the autonomy and independence of judiciary. Following are the provisions to maintain … Read more Independence of judiciary is must for healthy democracy. Discuss the provisions   to maintain an independent judiciary.

Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution?

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It is a living document, an instrument which makes the government system work. It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles and the duties of citizens. It is … Read more Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution?

Why can the lok sabha control the executive more efficiently than the Rajya sabha?

If Parliament is pillar of democracy , lok sabha and Rajya sabha are founding stone of that pillar. They are the law making bodies which keep the democracy in vibrancy and healthy state. But lok sabha surpasses rajya sabha in terms of check on executive because of the following reason. A money bill can be … Read more Why can the lok sabha control the executive more efficiently than the Rajya sabha?

Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution?

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It is a living document, an instrument which makes the government system work. It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles and the duties of citizens. It is … Read more Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution?

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