DMPQ- . How does pressure belt’s movement affect the formation of various climatic regions across the globe?

Some air movements are the result of the systematic pressure gradients that arise from latitudinal changes in the Earth’s surface temperature. One notable example is the Hadley Cell, a movement of warm air from the tropics that rises, flows toward the poles and then cools and sinks at around 30 degrees north and south of … Read more DMPQ- . How does pressure belt’s movement affect the formation of various climatic regions across the globe?

DMPQ- . “In 1991 India went through many liberal economic policies which changed India’s economic scenario” Elucidate.

End of license raj On 24 July 1991, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao announced the end of the license-permit Raj and Finance Minister Manmohan Singh presented a historic budget that rolled out economic liberalisation in India. It proposed getting rid of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices asset limit totally. Industrial licensing would be abolished for … Read more DMPQ- . “In 1991 India went through many liberal economic policies which changed India’s economic scenario” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Explain the concept of ‘Basic structure of Constitution’. What are important elements of basic structure of Constitution.

The question whether Fundamental Rights can be amended by the Parliament under Article 368 came for consideration of the Supreme Court within a year of the Constitution coming into force. In the Shankari Prasad case  (1951), the constitutional validity of the First Amendment Act (1951), which curtailed the right to property, was challenged. The Supreme … Read more DMPQ- Explain the concept of ‘Basic structure of Constitution’. What are important elements of basic structure of Constitution.

DMPQ- What do you mean by Air Mass? How is it influence the local climate?

An air mass is a large volume of air in the atmosphere that is mostly uniform in temperature and moisture. Air masses can extend thousands of kilometers across the surface of the Earth, and can reach from ground level to the stratosphere—16 kilometers (10 miles) into the atmosphere. The climates of most regions worldwide are … Read more DMPQ- What do you mean by Air Mass? How is it influence the local climate?

DMPQ- “Economy and trade has become centre of India-japan relations.” Elucidate

. As of now Japan-India trade is a mere 5% of Japan-China trade. Today, India-Japan trade languishes at around $15 billion, a quarter of trade with China while Japan-China trade is around $300 billion. India is the largest recipient of Japanese foreign aid. Japanese have also made record investment in private equity and venture capital … Read more DMPQ- “Economy and trade has become centre of India-japan relations.” Elucidate

DMPQ- Explain that scope of food processing industry in India is limitless.Also mention the challenges faced by India’s food processing industry.

. The increase in the incomes of our working class population has resulted into increase in disposable income which can be spent on processed food. However, the change in food consumption pattern of the working class who prefer readymade food processed items is yet another important factor behind the rising need for food processing industries … Read more DMPQ- Explain that scope of food processing industry in India is limitless.Also mention the challenges faced by India’s food processing industry.

DMPQ- Explain the significance of fundamental duties in the constitution of India.

In spite of criticisms and opposition, the fundamental duties are considered significant from the following viewpoints: They serve as a reminder to the citizens that while enjoying their rights, they should also be conscious of duties they owe to their country, their society and to their fellow citizens. They serve as a warning against the … Read more DMPQ- Explain the significance of fundamental duties in the constitution of India.

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