DMPQ- What is the concept of Universal basic income ? Critically evaluate it’s viability for India.

Universal Basic Income is a radical and compelling paradigm shift in thinking about  both social justice and a productive economy. A universal basic income is, like many  rights, unconditional and universal: it requires that every person should have a right  to a basic income to cover their needs, just by virtue of being citizens. The … Read more DMPQ- What is the concept of Universal basic income ? Critically evaluate it’s viability for India.

DMPQ- “Government of India act of 1856 brought the significant changes in British India’s constitutional set up.” Elucidate.

. This significant Act was enacted in the wake of the Revolt of 1857—also known as the First War of Independence or the ‘sepoy mutiny’. The act known as the Act for the Good Government of India, abolished the East India Company, and transferred the powers of government, territories and revenues to the British Crown. … Read more DMPQ- “Government of India act of 1856 brought the significant changes in British India’s constitutional set up.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- “Economic backwardness of India was one of the major features on the eve of Independence.” Elaborate.

Colonialism became a fetter on India’s agricultural and industrial development. Agriculture stagnated in most parts of the country and even deteriorated over the years, resulting in extremely low yields per acre, and sometimes even reaching zero. There was a decline in per capita agricultural production which fell by 14 per cent between 1901 and 1941. … Read more DMPQ- “Economic backwardness of India was one of the major features on the eve of Independence.” Elaborate.

DMPQ- . What is the concept of JAM ? Point out it’s significance in the modernization of Indian economy.

Large-scale, technology-enabled, real-time Direct Benefit Transfers can improve the  economic lives of India’s poor, and the JAM Trinity (Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, Mobile) can  help the government implement them. Over the past year, JAM has deepened its coverage  at an astonishing rate creating around 4 million accounts per week and several mobile  money operators were licensed. … Read more DMPQ- . What is the concept of JAM ? Point out it’s significance in the modernization of Indian economy.

DMPQ- Explain how after the independence economic imbalances gave rise to the regionalism in India.

. At independence, the leadership recognized that some regions were more backward than others. Only a few enclaves or areas around Calcutta, Bombay and Madras had undergone modern industrial development. From the beginning, the national government felt a responsibility to counter this imbalance in regional development. Thus, for example, the 1956 Industrial Policy Resolution of … Read more DMPQ- Explain how after the independence economic imbalances gave rise to the regionalism in India.

DMPQ- What were the factors that worked in the drafting of the American Constitution? Do you agree the US constitution being an Economic Document?

. In May 1787, fifty‐five delegates from twelve of the thirteen states met in Philadelphia. Among them were George Washington (chosen as the chair), Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton. As a group, the delegates were men in their thirties and forties, many were lawyers, and most had served in Congress. Although the stated … Read more DMPQ- What were the factors that worked in the drafting of the American Constitution? Do you agree the US constitution being an Economic Document?

DMPQ- Explain why despite the plethora of social sector schemes for poverty eradication they have not yielded the desired results?

. The Government has well-designed schemes. The question is not about intention but that of implementation of these schemes. There was not a proper identification of the targeted beneficiaries. There is also a lack of awareness of these schemes amongst the masses, given their illiteracy and ignorance. There is also an absence of any monitoring … Read more DMPQ- Explain why despite the plethora of social sector schemes for poverty eradication they have not yielded the desired results?

DMPQ- “Stone pillars, rock-cut caves and monumental figure sculptures were the important characteristics of mauryan art.” Elucidate.

. Construction of stupas and viharas as part of monastic establishments became part of the Buddhist tradition. However, in this period, apart from stupas and viharas, stone pillars, rock-cut caves and monumental figure sculptures were carved at several places. The tradition of constructing pillars is very old and it may be observed that erection of … Read more DMPQ- “Stone pillars, rock-cut caves and monumental figure sculptures were the important characteristics of mauryan art.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Briefly discuss the objective resolution of Constitution of India.

On December 13, 1946, Jawaharlal Nehru moved the historic ‘Objectives Resolution’ in the Assembly. It laid down the fundamentals and philosophy of the constitutional structure. It read: “This Constituent Assembly declares its firm and solemn resolve to proclaim India as an Independent Sovereign Republic and to draw up for her future governance a Constitution Wherein … Read more DMPQ- Briefly discuss the objective resolution of Constitution of India.

DMPQ- “The task of integrating the tribal people into the mainstream was extremely complex.” Explain the statement.

In most parts of the country, colonialism brought radical transformation of the tribals as their relative isolation was eroded by the penetration of market forces and they were integrated with the British and princely administrations. A large number of moneylenders, traders, revenue farmers and other middlemen and petty officials invaded the tribal areas and disrupted … Read more DMPQ- “The task of integrating the tribal people into the mainstream was extremely complex.” Explain the statement.

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