DMPQ- Discuss how 1908 Bosnia crisis became provoking factor for first world war.

.  The Bosnian Crisis of 1908-09 was very much the precursor of the events in the Balkans that spilled over into the assassination of Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo in June 1914. In this sense the Bosnian Crisis needs to be analysed within the same context as the assassination that was to trigger World War One. … Read more DMPQ- Discuss how 1908 Bosnia crisis became provoking factor for first world war.

DMPQ- What is rainbow revolution ? Point out it’s importance for India’s Agriculture.

The earlier Green Revolution was centred on wheat and now what is required is a  comprehensive revolution, which covers the entire agriculture sector known as Rainbow  Revolution and it essentially means the following: Agricultural activities to change from subsistence and livelihood activities to as a commercial venture with focus on productivity and profitability. Crop diversification, … Read more DMPQ- What is rainbow revolution ? Point out it’s importance for India’s Agriculture.

DMPQ- Explain why India’s constitution is lengthiest constitution in the world?

Constitutions are classified into written, like the American Constitution, or unwritten, like the British Constitution. The Constitution of India is the lengthiest of all the written constitutions of the world. It is a very comprehensive, elaborate and detailed document. Originally (1949), the Constitution contained a Preamble, 395 Articles (divided into 22 Parts) and 8 Schedules. … Read more DMPQ- Explain why India’s constitution is lengthiest constitution in the world?

DMPQ- Discuss the factors contributed to the origin of liberalism in 19th century.

Several factors and writings of a number of persons contributed to the origin of their political ideology: The collapse of feudalism is an important cause of the origin of liberalism. Let us explain it briefly. In the feudal period the feudal lords practically controlled the economy and politics along with the church and its fall … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the factors contributed to the origin of liberalism in 19th century.

DMPQ- Throw light on the issues related with Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS).

. The main flaw in the system that a large chunk of those who are eligible for subsidized  food grains under BPL category have been left out leading to critically question  comprehensiveness of TPDS. The criteria for inclusion in the BPL list are solely economical which is often understated  or under reported because lack of … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the issues related with Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS).

DMPQ- Comment on the composition of constituent assembly and critically evaluate the role of constituent assembly.

The Constituent Assembly was constituted in November 1946 under the scheme formulated by the Cabinet Mission Plan. The features of the scheme were: The total strength of the Constituent Assembly was to be 389. Of these, 296 seats were to be allotted to British India and 93 seats to the Princely States. Out of 296 … Read more DMPQ- Comment on the composition of constituent assembly and critically evaluate the role of constituent assembly.

DMPQ- . “Nehru rejected the capitalist developmental and civilizational perspective and, instead, worked for fundamental transformation of Indian society in a socialist direction.” Elaborate the statement.

For Nehru socialism meant greater equality of opportunity, social justice, more equitable distribution of higher incomes generated through the application of modern science and technology to the processes of production, the ending of the acute social and economic disparities generated by feudalism and capitalism, and the application of the scientific approach to the problems of … Read more DMPQ- . “Nehru rejected the capitalist developmental and civilizational perspective and, instead, worked for fundamental transformation of Indian society in a socialist direction.” Elaborate the statement.

DMPQ- What is the purpose of Buffer stock? How does FCI (Food corporation of India) manages it ?

India  is  one  among the  few  countries in the world having government held stocks of  grains, for the following reasons: Buffer for meeting natural calamities Price stabilization in case   of   crop failures; Providing food grains under   public   distribution system. The government has buffer stock norms for different months in a year. At present, the  maximum … Read more DMPQ- What is the purpose of Buffer stock? How does FCI (Food corporation of India) manages it ?

DMPQ- “Government of India Act of 1935 became the precedent of Constitution of India.” Critically evaluate.

The Government of Indian Act was passed by the British parliament in 1935 and came into effect in 1937. It was based on a report by a Joint Select Committee, led by Lord Linlithgow, set up the two houses of the British parliament. The report, in turn, was the result of the Joint Committee’s scrutiny … Read more DMPQ- “Government of India Act of 1935 became the precedent of Constitution of India.” Critically evaluate.

DMPQ- Give a summary of organization and process of India’s constitution aseembly.

The Constituent Assembly was to have 389 members. Of these, 296 were to be from British India and 93 from the princely Indian states. Initially, however, the Constituent Assembly comprised only members from British India. Election of these were held in July– August 1946. Of the 210 seats in the general category, Congress won 199. … Read more DMPQ- Give a summary of organization and process of India’s constitution aseembly.

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