DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

Aviation sector is one of the promising sector in India. This sector faced a growth rate of 20%  per annum in passenger traffic. As per IATA, India will become the 3rd largest aviation market in the world interms of passenger by 2026. Above data clearly states that aviation sector is not under stressed. The opportunities … Read more DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

DMPQ: What is net neutrality? Write down the significance..

Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers and governments should    treat all data on the internet equality , not discriminating or charging differently by user, content, site, platform application, type of attached equipment or mode of communication.      It is about not giving special privileges to some website like in the form of speeding … Read more DMPQ: What is net neutrality? Write down the significance..

DMPQ: Arguments in favour and against the linguistic organisation of state. For Against 1. Most secular trait for reorganisation It was feared that it will spur the demand for new states,..weakening of integration process   2. Education in mother tounge -easily grasped by student It would slow down the process of emergence of a national identity 3. It will help to preserve cultural identity … Read more DMPQ: Arguments in favour and against the linguistic organisation of state.

DMPQ: Effect of climate change on Himalayan Glaciers and effect on human settlement.

According to the IPCC report by 2010 45% of Himalaya  will be shrinked. The rate of shrinkage is 0.5% annually. There are various reason for Himalayan shrinkage which are discussed below: Weak monsoon affecting snow accumulation Because of global warming, rise in temperature In the eastern and central Himalayan, it shows mainly during monsoon season … Read more DMPQ: Effect of climate change on Himalayan Glaciers and effect on human settlement.

DMPQ: Raja Ram mohanroy was the maker of Modern India. Discuss. 

Raja Ram mohanroy was the social reformer, educationist, intellectual who tried to bring elements of for gone Indian values and elements of modernisation like liberty, freedom etc. He tried to create a synthesis of thought of east and west. RMY was a supporter of equality between men and women. He said that women must be … Read more DMPQ: Raja Ram mohanroy was the maker of Modern India. Discuss. 

DMPQ: Montreal protocol has been one of the rarest treaty that achieve success. What is Montreal protocol all about?

Montreal protocol  is a treaty signed in 1987 to ban ozone depletion substance like CFC’s and HCFC which were used in refrigerators and Air conditioner. India is also one of the signatories of Montreal protocol. The Montreal Protocol has proven to be innovative and successful, and is the first treaty to achieve universal ratification by … Read more DMPQ: Montreal protocol has been one of the rarest treaty that achieve success. What is Montreal protocol all about?

DMPQ: Present a critique on DPSP.

Introduction- Prepare an intro on DPSP of 60 words Body:   1) Non justiciable 2) Unsystematic enumeration and lot of repetition. 3) Some article are reactionary like ban on cow slaughter and     ban on liquor 4) It emphasis on philosophy of socialism which is inconsistent with the contemporary era of globalisation. 5) Lack of consistency.  … Read more DMPQ: Present a critique on DPSP.

DMPQ: What is urban flood? List down the reason for urban floods and map out the solution. 

urban flood is a common phenomenon. These flood occur in a very short span of time and drench city with several feet’s of water. The example of urban floods can be seen in Gurugram, Mumbai etc. Reasons for urban floods: Destruction of wetland- wetland act as natural aquifers. Their destruction led to reduction in moisture … Read more DMPQ: What is urban flood? List down the reason for urban floods and map out the solution. 

DMPQ: What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. 

PPP is public private partnership where a private entity enters into a contract with a government entity to provide public asset or service in which the private party provides its managerial expertise and operational efficiency.   Remuneration in this is linked to performance. PPP model was envisioned for infrastructure sector but now it is present in … Read more DMPQ: What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. 

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