Discuss the following a) LED b) Insulated Gate Bipolar transistor c) Properties of tungsten

(a)LED:  Led is light emitting diode. It is a pn junction diode, which emits light when gets activated. When a suitable energy is applied , electron combines with the electron holes  within the device releasing energy in the form of photons.LED lamps have a lifespan and electrical efficiency which are several times longer than incandescent … Read more Discuss the following a) LED b) Insulated Gate Bipolar transistor c) Properties of tungsten

Give an account of following: a) Male and female reproductive organs b) Asexual production c) Binary fission d) Fertilisation

  (a)Male and Female reproductive organ:    The male reproductive organs include a pair of testes (singular, testis), two sperm ducts and a penis. The testes produce the male gametes called sperms. The female reproductive organs are a pair of ovaries, oviducts (fallopian tubes) and the uterus. Ovary produces female gametes called ova (eggs).   (b)Asexual production:  It is a … Read more Give an account of following: a) Male and female reproductive organs b) Asexual production c) Binary fission d) Fertilisation

Outline the features of the government of India act, 1909.

System of dyarchy was introduced. The dyarchy means a system of double government in which The principle of dyarchy was a division of the executive branch of each provincial government into authoritarian and popularly responsible sections. The first was composed of executive councillors, appointed, as before, by the crown. The second was composed of ministers … Read more Outline the features of the government of India act, 1909.

What are the factors that influence the location of an iron and steel industry?

Availability of raw material like iron ore, coal , limestone etc. An efficient transportation and infrastructure facility for import and export of finished goods. Availability of service sector , heavy funding is required and hence adequate availability of capital, Human capital for managerial roles Demand for iron and steel or the market has to be … Read more What are the factors that influence the location of an iron and steel industry?

Suggest solutions to deal with the structural challenges of the Indian economy.

Solutions:   Allowing market to penetrate in the non -efficient areas. Government need to do way with the fear of private sector intrusion and instead adopt the role of facilitator. Intellectual property rights need to be preserved and ecosystem of safety of IPR should be there. Rational and quick decision making on the unviable public … Read more Suggest solutions to deal with the structural challenges of the Indian economy.

Discuss the reproductive events in the Human?

Gametogenesis :  The gametogenesis is the formation of gametes i.e. sperm in males and ovum in females. It is also known as spermatogenesis and Oogenesis. Insemination:        Insemination is the deliberate introduction of sperm into a female animal or plant for the purpose of impregnating or fertilizing the female for sexual reproduction. The sperm is introduced … Read more Discuss the reproductive events in the Human?

What is Universal base income? Why it was suggested and what are its advantage?

Universal basic income (UBI) is a model for providing all citizens of a country or other geographic area with a given sum of money, regardless of their income, resources or employment status. The purpose of the UBI is to prevent or reduce poverty and increase equality among citizens. It is one of the kind of … Read more What is Universal base income? Why it was suggested and what are its advantage?

What is coal bed methane? What is the problem in the extraction of coal bed methane?

Coal bed methane is found in the impermeable stone and is trapped in the coal seams. A significant portion of this gas remain as free gas in the joints and fractures of the coal seam.  Large quantities of gas are adsorbed on the internal surfaces of the micropores within the coal itself Coal bed methane … Read more What is coal bed methane? What is the problem in the extraction of coal bed methane?

Give an account of the following: a) JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE b) Nagpur session of INC in 1920 c) Khilafat movement d) Lahore conspiracy case

a)JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE- JBM: On Baisakhi day, a large, crowd of people mostly from neighboring villages, unaware ofthe prohibitory orders in the city, had gathered in this small park to protest against the arrest of their leaders, SaifuddinKitchlew and Satyapal.The Army surrounded the gathering under orders from General Dyer and blocked theonly exit point and … Read more Give an account of the following: a) JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE b) Nagpur session of INC in 1920 c) Khilafat movement d) Lahore conspiracy case

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