DMPQ: Challenges in logistics are main concern for Indian trade. Comment. (Economy)

According to the recent economic survey, the problems associated with logistics are the main concern for India trade and they are reducing the competitiveness by increasing the cost. Some key challenges are as follows:   High cost of logistics-impacting competitiveness in domestic and global market. The structure of modal mix is an inefficient one ( … Read more DMPQ: Challenges in logistics are main concern for Indian trade. Comment. (Economy)

DMPQ: Sustainable development goals 11 states that make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Discuss the step taken by the government to upgrade the urban amenities and give some solutions to address the problem of urban surge. (Envt.)

According to Census 2011, 377.1 million Indian comprising 31.16 per cent of the country population live in urban areas. India’s urban populations is projected to grow to about 600 millions by 2031. Hence this urban surge has to be addressed through careful planning and policies. Indian govt. has launched various policies and scheme to deal … Read more DMPQ: Sustainable development goals 11 states that make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Discuss the step taken by the government to upgrade the urban amenities and give some solutions to address the problem of urban surge. (Envt.)

DMPQ: What are critical infrastructure? Explain with examples. ( Economy)

Critical infrastructure is a term used by the governments to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of a society and economy.  The term Critical infrastructure has been widely adopted to distinguish those infrastructure elements that, if significantly damaged or destroyed, would cause serious disruptions of the dependent system or organisation.   Storm, deluge … Read more DMPQ: What are critical infrastructure? Explain with examples. ( Economy)

DMPQ: Give an outline on the provisions of charter act of 1813. (history)

The Charter Act of 1813 passed by the British Parliament renewed the East India Company’s charter for another 20 years. This is also called the East India Company Act, 1813. This act is important in that it defined for the first time the constitutional position of British Indian territories.   Provisions: Company’s rule and trade … Read more DMPQ: Give an outline on the provisions of charter act of 1813. (history)

DMPQ: Recently, loksabha passed the surrogacy(regulation ) bill. Discuss the features of the bill. (Acts/Bills)

The Law Commission of India, in its 228th Report, had recommended prohibition of commercial surrogacy by enacting a suitable legislation. The statement of objects and reasons of the Bill says “Due to lack of legislation to regulate surrogacy, practice of surrogacy has been misused by the surrogacy clinics, which leads to rampant of commercial surrogacy and unethical … Read more DMPQ: Recently, loksabha passed the surrogacy(regulation ) bill. Discuss the features of the bill. (Acts/Bills)

DMPQ: What is surrogacy, surrogate mother and intended couple? Explain its different types? (science)

Surrogacy is a practise in which surrogate mother agrees to carry and give birth to child for intended couples. Surrogacy, also known as womb for rent.Surrogate mother is a woman who bears a child for another couple, inspires hope in them and changes their life forever i.e. An Angel.Intended couple are the ones who cannot … Read more DMPQ: What is surrogacy, surrogate mother and intended couple? Explain its different types? (science)

DMPQ: What is Organic farming

Concept of organic farming, seed certification Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. Organic farming continues to be developed by various organic agriculture organizations today. It relies on fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal … Read more DMPQ: What is Organic farming

DMPQ: Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.

Poverty, low per capita income, under-development, unemployment, prompted the newly established Indian polity to adopt economic planning for the development of the country. The idea of economic planning can be traced to 1934, when M. Visvesverayya in his book ‘Planned Economy of India’, advocated for planning to increase the national income. It was taken up … Read more DMPQ: Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.

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