DMPQ: What are NGO’s? How India Benefitted from NGO’s?

from the government and are generally considered to be “non-state, non-profit oriented groups who pursue purposes of public interest”. The primary objective of NGOs is to provide social justice, development and human rights. NGOs are generally funded totally or partly by governments and they maintain their non-governmental status by excluding government representatives from membership in … Read more DMPQ: What are NGO’s? How India Benefitted from NGO’s?

DMPQ: What is Minimum Support Price? How will MSP rescue the farmers from low income trap?

Minimum support price is the government scheme to safeguard the interest of the farmers. GOI declares the MSP of various agricultural produce and assures the farmers that their agriculture produce will be purchased at the MSP. The Food Corporation of India acts as the Nodal agency of the GoI. MSP scheme is implemented through state … Read more DMPQ: What is Minimum Support Price? How will MSP rescue the farmers from low income trap?

DMPQ: What are tides? How they are generated ? Explain different types of tide.

Tides are great bulges of water caused by the gravity of the moon and the sun. Attracted by gravity, these bulges move around the earth’s ocean, causing water level to rise and fall. There are two main tides that are higher or lower than average. They occur twice monthly and are called neap and spring … Read more DMPQ: What are tides? How they are generated ? Explain different types of tide.

DMPQ: What is safety valve theory? Does the safety valve theory explain the formation of congress? ( HISTORY)

Safety Valve theory: The INC was started under the official direction, guidance and advice of Lord Dufferin, the Viceroy, to provide a safe, mild, peaceful and constitutional outlet or safety valve for the rising discontent among the masses, which was inevitably leading towards a popular and violent revolution. The safety valve theory is inadequate and … Read more DMPQ: What is safety valve theory? Does the safety valve theory explain the formation of congress? ( HISTORY)

DMPQ: Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care sector. Discuss ( SCIENCE)

Nanotechnology has the potential to completely revolutionise all the three key aspects of healthcare sector-Diagnosis, prevention and Treatment. It can completely change the healthcare sector for the next generation. Nanotechnology will help medical professionals in today’s most excruciating medical issues, such as repairing of damaged organs, diagnosis and treatment of cancer cells, removal of obstruction … Read more DMPQ: Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care sector. Discuss ( SCIENCE)

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