DMPQ- What are the challenges in ensuring road safety in India?

Potholes are a major cause for accidental deaths and between 2013 and 2016, official statistics says that 11,836 deaths due to it in India. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra have the dubious distinction for consistently causing potholes related accidents. Significantly, pothole related deaths peak during monsoons and ironically. While cases are to … Read more DMPQ- What are the challenges in ensuring road safety in India?

DMPQ- What is Project Sashakt?

Project Sashakt was proposed by a panel led by PNB chairman Sunil Mehta. Bad loans of up to ₹ 50 crore will be managed at the bank level, with a deadline of 90 days. For bad loans of ₹ 50-500 crore, banks will enter an inter-creditor agreement, authorizing the lead bank to implement a resolution plan in 180 days, … Read more DMPQ- What is Project Sashakt?

DMPQ- What is Battle of Saragarhi?

The Battle of Saragarhi occurred on 12 September 1897 and was fought between 10,000 Orakzai and Afghan tribesmen and just 21 soldiers of the 4th Battalion of the British India’s Sikh Regiment.All 21 Sikhs chose to defend their army post, instead of choosing to surrender.The UK parliament gave all the brave Sikh soldiers a standing … Read more DMPQ- What is Battle of Saragarhi?

DMPQ- Discuss India’s SEZ policy.

The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005, was passed by Parliament in May, 2005. 2. After extensive consultations, the SEZ Act, 2005, supported by SEZ Rules, came into effect in, 2006, providing for drastic simplification of procedures and for single window clearance on matters relating to central as well as state governments. The main objectives of … Read more DMPQ- Discuss India’s SEZ policy.

DMPQ- Discuss the condition that lead to the insurgency in North east.

The conditions can be summarised as below:   Large scale migration has created a fear in the minds of people that they will be reduced to minority in their own states or regions. Migrants threaten their culture sand traditions and also occupy already limited employment opportunities. Migration of Muslims has also imparted it a communal … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the condition that lead to the insurgency in North east.

DMPQ- What is digital locker? What are the objectives of Digital locker?

Digital Locker is one of the key initiatives under the Digital India Programme- External website that opens in a new window. A beta version of the same has been already released by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Govt. of India. Digital Locker is aimed at minimizing the usage of physical documents and enable sharing of e-documents across agencies. … Read more DMPQ- What is digital locker? What are the objectives of Digital locker?

Quick Revision- pH scale and its day to day application

Quick Revision Topic:                pH scale and its day to day application   Definition:                  pH scale is the scale developed to measure the concentration of Hydrogen ion in a solution. Here ‘p’ in pH implies ‘potenz’ in german. The pH of a neutral solution is 7. for Acidic solution pH is less than 7 and … Read more Quick Revision- pH scale and its day to day application

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