DMPQ- National supercomputing mission.

The Mission envisages empowering national academic and R&D institutions spread over the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-performance computing facilities.  These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN). The NKN is another programme of the government which connects academic … Read more DMPQ- National supercomputing mission.

DMPQ- Mendel law of inheritance.

Based on his observations on monohybrid crosses Mendel proposed two general rules to consolidate his understanding of inheritance in monohybrid crosses. Today these rules are called the Principles or Laws of Inheritance: the First Law or Law of Dominance and the Second Law or Law of Segregation. Law of Dominance Characters are controlled by discrete … Read more DMPQ- Mendel law of inheritance.

DMPQ- It is imperative to raise the agricultural competitiveness of farmers with small land holdings. Outline the suggestions to improve the agricultural competitiveness.

  Promotion of commodity-based farmers’ organisations such as Small Cotton Farmers’ Estates to combine decentralised production with centralised services such as post-harvest management, value addition and marketing, for leveraging institutional support and facilitating direct farmer-consumer linkage. Improvement in implementation of Minimum Support Price (MSP). Arrangements for MSP need to be put in place for crops … Read more DMPQ- It is imperative to raise the agricultural competitiveness of farmers with small land holdings. Outline the suggestions to improve the agricultural competitiveness.

DMPQ- Independent mechanism for election of Chief election commissioner and election commissioner is need of the hour. Comment

  Election Commission of India (ECI) is a constitutional body under Article-324 vested with the responsibilities of superintendence, direction and control of conduct of elections. It consists of a Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners. Election commission independence is bedrock of our democracy. It ensures free and fair elections. But there are inherent problems with election … Read more DMPQ- Independent mechanism for election of Chief election commissioner and election commissioner is need of the hour. Comment

DMPQ- Why did Magadha emerged as the most formidable mahajanapada?

Between the 6th and 4th century BCE, Magadha became the most important mahajanapada. The possible reasons could be: It was a region which was highly productive and hence surplus production was suitable for maintaining huge army. Magadha had huge resource of Iron. This metal was used both for weapons and tools. Latter increased the productivity … Read more DMPQ- Why did Magadha emerged as the most formidable mahajanapada?

DMPQ- What is model code of conduct? How Election commission can enforce it.

Model code of conduct are directives given to political parties to ensure free and fair elections at the same time to maintain  high standards in the elections. The provisions of the conducts are not legally binding.  The MCC comes into force with the declaration of election schedule. Election commission can enforce MCC in following ways: … Read more DMPQ- What is model code of conduct? How Election commission can enforce it.

DMPQ- Short note on ITCZ

The Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, is the region that circles the Earth, near the equator, where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together. The intense sun and warm water of the equator heats the air in the ITCZ, raising its humidity and making it buoyant. Aided by the convergence of … Read more DMPQ- Short note on ITCZ

DMPQ- Write a note on contribution of Jyotiba Phule.

JOTIRAO GOVINDRAO PHULE occupies a unique position among the social reformers of Maharashtra in the nineteenth century. While other reformers concentrated more on reforming the social institutions of family and marriage with special emphasis on the status and right of women, Jyotiba Phule revolted against the unjust caste system under which millions of people had … Read more DMPQ- Write a note on contribution of Jyotiba Phule.

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