DMPQ- How was The Magadha-Licchavi Struggleled to the fall of the Licchavis rule?

The Licchavis turned to be great rivals of Magadhan monarchy. In the reign of Bimbisara of Magadha, they invaded the Magadhan kingdom. In the reign of Ajatasatru, a protracted war began between Magadha and the Lichchhavis. The latter were united with the Vajjis in a confederacy. In the struggle that followed the Lichchhavis and the Vajjis … Read more DMPQ- How was The Magadha-Licchavi Struggleled to the fall of the Licchavis rule?

DMPQ- What are the duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)?

Duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) • Receipts and expenditure of the Union and the State Governments accounted for in the respective Consolidated Funds. • Transactions relating to emergency Funds (created for use in circumstances) and the Public Accounts (used mainly for loans, deposits and remittances). • Trading, manufacturing, profit and loss accounts … Read more DMPQ- What are the duties of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)?

DMPQ- Evaluate the attitude of the British Government toward Quit India Movement

The attitude of the British Government had also changed which now wanted to suppress every movement which will hamper its war image .As a result the quit India resolution was passed on 8th August and by 24 hours on 9 August Gandhi and all prominent leaders were arrested. Congress was declared an illegal party and … Read more DMPQ- Evaluate the attitude of the British Government toward Quit India Movement

DMPQ- Write a short note on Traditional methods of vaccine production.

The first human vaccines against viruses were based using weaker or attenuated viruses to generate immunity. The smallpox vaccine used cowpox, a poxvirus that was similar enough to smallpox to protect against it but usually didn’t cause serious illness. Rabies was the first virus attenuated in a lab to create a vaccine for humans. Egg-Based … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Traditional methods of vaccine production.

DMPQ- Explain the method of Chlorination for water purification.

Chlorine is a powerful chemical that has been in use for many years to treat water for home consumption. Chlorine is an effective water purification method that kills germs, parasites and other disease-causing organisms found in ground or tap water. Water can be purified using chlorine tablets or liquid chlorine. As an off-the-shelf water purification … Read more DMPQ- Explain the method of Chlorination for water purification.

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