What is Bhakti movement? What are the essential features of bhakti movement?

The Indian culture and civilisation have undergone regormation and revitalisation many times throughout history of mankind. The Bhakti movements of 14th-16th century represented one such phase of revitalisation and reformation of Indian culture. This movement was lead by saints like Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ravidas, Dadu Dayal and Guru Ramdas. Essential features of Bhakti movement are … Read more What is Bhakti movement? What are the essential features of bhakti movement?

Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation.

Indus valley is an example of great civilisation flourishing in the pre vedic era. The civilisation marks Join Our Telegram Channel the zenith in terms of art, architecture and culture. Its magnanimous architecture depicts the vibrant social and culture life. Social life:      Cities were divided into two parts. One was citadel (for the nobles) … Read more Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation.

DMPQ-What are the changes one can observe from pre vedic era to the  late vedic era? 

The Vedic period is the period in the history of the northwestern Indian subcontinent between the end of the urban indus valley civilisation and a second urbanisation in the central gangetic plain which begain in C. 600 BCE. The vedic period is divided into two period one is pre vedic era(c.1500-c.1200 BCE) and the other is … Read more DMPQ-What are the changes one can observe from pre vedic era to the  late vedic era? 

Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation.

Indus valley is an example of great civilisation flourishing in the pre vedic era. The civilisation marks the zenith in terms of art, architecture and culture. Its magnanimous architecture depicts the vibrant social and culture life. Social life:      Cities were divided into two parts. One was citadel (for the nobles) and the other part … Read more Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation.

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