Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system?

  S.No. Himalayan drainage Peninsular drainage 1. Perennial in nature. Seasonal in nature 2. Both snow fed and monsoon n fed Monsoon fed 3. Voluminous Less voluminous 4. Very large command area Less Command area 5. Himalayan river exhibits antecedent character Consequent character is exhibited 6. All Himalayan rivers form delta at the mouth Form … Read more Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system?

DMPQ: The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss

The Himalayan has rendered unique climatic identity to Indian subcontinent. The role played by it is nothing less than a foster mother. It save India from the cold north east trade winds and provide tropical type of climate in the subtropical region. It Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube is not a exaggeration to … Read more DMPQ: The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss

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