DMPQ-Throw light on preparedness and mitigation procedure during and after earthquake disaster.

. Unlike other disasters, the damages caused by earthquakes are more devastating. Since it also destroys most of the transport and communication links, providing timely relief to the victims becomes difficult. It is not possible to prevent the occurrence of an earthquake;  hence, the next best option is to emphasis on disaster preparedness and mitigation … Read more DMPQ-Throw light on preparedness and mitigation procedure during and after earthquake disaster.

DMPQ-. Explain the phenomenon of origin of tropical cyclones.

Tropical cyclones are violent storms that originate over oceans in tropical areas and move over to the coastal areas bringing about large scale destruction caused by violent winds, very heavy rainfall and storm surges. This is one of the most devastating natural calamities. They are known as Cyclones in the Indian Ocean, Hurricanes in the … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the phenomenon of origin of tropical cyclones.

DMPQ- What is temperature inversion and how does it effect atmosphere?

Normally, temperature decreases with increase in elevation. It is called Join Our Telegram Channel normal lapse rate. At times, the situations is reversed and the normal lapse rate is inverted. It is called Inversion of temperature. Inversion is usually of short duration but quite common nonetheless. A long winter night with clear skies and still … Read more DMPQ- What is temperature inversion and how does it effect atmosphere?

DMPQ- How the movement of Indian plate has affected the structural changes of continents.

  The Indian plate includes Peninsular India and the Australian continental portions.  The subduction zone along the Himalayas forms the northern plate boundary in the form of continent— continent convergence. In the east, it extends through Rakinyoma Mountains of Myanmar towards the island arc along the Java Trench. The eastern margin is a spreading site … Read more DMPQ- How the movement of Indian plate has affected the structural changes of continents.

DMPQ- Classify Himalayas on the bases on relief, alignment of ranges and other geomorphological features.

Based on relief, alignment of ranges and other geomorphological features, the Himalayas can be divided into the following sub-divisions: Kashmir or Northwestern Himalayas  Kashmir or Northwestern Himalayas consist of a series of ranges such as the Karakoram, Ladakh, Zanskar, and Pir Panjal. Important glaciers of South Asia, i.e., the Baltoro and Siachen are found in … Read more DMPQ- Classify Himalayas on the bases on relief, alignment of ranges and other geomorphological features.

DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting temperature distribution of Ocean water.

The following factors affect the distribution of temperature of ocean water: Latitudes The temperature of surface water decreases from equator towards the poles because the sun’s rays become more and more slanting and thus the amount of insolation decreases poleward accordingly. The temperature of surface water between 40°N and 40°S is lower than air temperature … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting temperature distribution of Ocean water.

DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting the amount of solar radiation received by surfaces.

Every location on Earth receives sunlight at least part of the year. The amount of solar radiation that reaches any one spot on the Earth’s surface varies according to: Geographic location Time of day Season Local landscape Local weather. Because the Earth is round, the sun strikes the surface at different angles, ranging from 0° … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the factors affecting the amount of solar radiation received by surfaces.

DMPQ- . What is Geomorphic process ? Explain Diastrophism in detail.

The endogenic and exogenic forces causing physical stresses and chemical actions on earth materials and bringing about changes in the configuration of the surface of the earth are known as geomorphic processes. Diastrophism and volcanism are endogenic geomorphic processes. A process is a force applied on earth materials affecting the same. An agent is a … Read more DMPQ- . What is Geomorphic process ? Explain Diastrophism in detail.

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