DMPQ :What were the reasons for dismal performance of Tribal Policy.

Quite often the funds allocated for tribal welfare are not spent or are spent without correspondingresults and sometimes funds are even misappropriated. The watch dog of tribal interests, Tribal AdvisoryCouncil has not functioned effectively. Administrative personnel are either ill trained or prejudiced against tribals. A major handicap from which tribals suffer is denial of justice, … Read more DMPQ :What were the reasons for dismal performance of Tribal Policy.

DMPQ :India is passing through the phase of demographic dividend but at the same time India is also going to face issues of ageing population. In this context discuss the issues attached with the elderly Population.

With increase in the average expectancy age , the issue of elderly population will arise in the near future. The economy has to look into to take care of the elderly population. But there are some issues attached with ageing population: Lack of uniform and accessible pension system. Premium rates are different and there are … Read more DMPQ :India is passing through the phase of demographic dividend but at the same time India is also going to face issues of ageing population. In this context discuss the issues attached with the elderly Population.

DMPQ : What do you understand by the term Minimum wage? What are the issues attached with minimum wages?

Minimum wages is the minimum wage to be given to workers as per rule and law. The non payment or below payment of wages attract Penalty and sanctions. As per the International Labour Organisation India wage report one in every three wage workers in India is not protected by the minimum wage act. As per … Read more DMPQ : What do you understand by the term Minimum wage? What are the issues attached with minimum wages?

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Liberalisation? What are the components of Liberalisation?

The term “liberalization” in this context implies economic liberalization. The essence of thispolicy is that greater freedom is to be given to the entrepreneur of any industry, trade orbusiness and that governmental control on the same be reduced to the minimum. Rules and laws which were aimed at regulating the economic activities became majorhindrances in … Read more DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Liberalisation? What are the components of Liberalisation?

DMPQ:Economic reforms of 1991 was the major landmark in Indian Economic History. Outline the reasons which forced India for economic reforms.

The  major reasons are: Rise in Prices and galloping inflation. It surged from 6.7% to near about 16% Increase in the Fiscal deficit. Increase in non -development expenditure. Adverse Balance of payment and pressure on Balance of Payment. Iran-Kuwait war led to increase in Petrol price and hence pressure on Indian Imports. Adopted approach of … Read more DMPQ:Economic reforms of 1991 was the major landmark in Indian Economic History. Outline the reasons which forced India for economic reforms.

DMPQ:What are the objectives of Nutrient based subsidy scheme?

Nutrient bases subsidy scheme is to ensure balanced use of fertilizers and to improve agriculture productivity. The major features of NBS are: Under the NBS Policy, a fixed amount of subsidy decided on annual basis isprovided on each grade of the subsidized Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizersdepending upon its nutrient content.Minimum Retail Price (MRP) of … Read more DMPQ:What are the objectives of Nutrient based subsidy scheme?

DMPQ- What are the Main issues of Education in India

Lack of infrastructure–Approximately 95.2 per cent of schools are not yet compliant with the complete set of RTE infrastructure indicators according to survey conducted in 2010.They lacks drinking water facilities, a functional common toilet, and do not have separate toilets for girls. Number of boards causes non uniformity of curriculum throughout India so maintenance of … Read more DMPQ- What are the Main issues of Education in India

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