DMPQ- What are the different methodologies to capture unemployment in India.

The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), since its inception in 1950, does the measurement of employment/unemployment in India. The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) provides three different estimates of employment and unemployment based on different approaches used to classify an individual’s activity status. These are : Usual status approach with a reference period of 365 … Read more DMPQ- What are the different methodologies to capture unemployment in India.


NITI Aayog has created the India Knowledge Hub (IKH), a dynamic web portal, functioning as a repository to store and disseminate best practices from across the country. Reflecting the spirit of cooperative federalism, the NITI Aayog launched the India Knowledge Hub so that districts, States, Central ministries and other government institutions can exchange knowledge on … Read more DMPQ- INDIAN KNOWLEDGE HUB


SWAYATT is an initiative to promote Start-ups, Women and Youth Advantage Through eTransactions on Government e-Marketplace (GeM). This will bring together the key stakeholders within theIndian entrepreneurial ecosystem to Government e-Marketplace the national procurement portal. The nationallaunch of SWAYATT would further seek to promote inclusiveness by catapulting various categories of sellersand service providers, take proactive … Read more DMPQ-SWAYATT

DMPQ-Write a short note on Project CHAMAN.

The objective of Project CHAMAN is to provide strategic development to the horticulture sector, so as to increasefarmers income, a pioneer project called CHAMAN. The project is implemented by Mahalanobis is National CropForecast Centre (MNCFC)using remote sensing technology. Silent Features: Project CHAMAN carries out mapping of area and output of 7 horticultural crops in 12 … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on Project CHAMAN.

DMPQ-Write a short note on the fisheries and aquaculture infrastructure development fund.

India is currently the second largest producer of fisheries after China. To double the Farmer’s income by 2022 the government has created the Fisheries andAquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FAIDF) in 2018. Salient Features of the FAIDF: The main aim is to boost fish production to achieve the target of producing 15 million tonnes of fishproduction … Read more DMPQ-Write a short note on the fisheries and aquaculture infrastructure development fund.

DMPQ-Land reforms were the initial initiatives taken post Independence era. Discuss the significance of the Land reforms.

The Indian agricultural system was plagued by ills of absentee landlordism, tenancy. Land reform was thereforeneeded to break the shackles of zamindari systems prevalent since British raj. Farmers were made owners of theirland after which they worked wholeheartedly on their farms. Significance of Land reforms in India: Land ceiling to disburse surplus land amongst small … Read more DMPQ-Land reforms were the initial initiatives taken post Independence era. Discuss the significance of the Land reforms.

DMPQ- Write a short note on Open acreage licensing policy.

Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) gives an option to a company looking for exploring hydrocarbons to select the exploration blocks on its own, without waiting for the formal bid round from the Government. UnderOpen Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP), a bidder intending to explore hydrocarbons like oil and gas, coal bedmethane, gas hydrate etc., may apply … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Open acreage licensing policy.

DMPQ-What are core sectors in Indian economy. How statistically the growth in the core sector is calculated?

Core sectors of an economy are the main or the key industries in the economy. In India, there are 8 sectors which are considered the Core Sectors. The eight core sectors of the Indian economy are: Electricity Steel Refinery products Crude oil Coal Cement Natural gas Fertilisers These industries have a major impact on the general economic … Read more DMPQ-What are core sectors in Indian economy. How statistically the growth in the core sector is calculated?

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