27.12.22 Daily [Uttarakhand] UKPSC Current Affairs

Uttarakhand Affairs

No green nod for Sukhatal development, Uttarakhand high court told

In the ongoing hearing of the Sukhatal beautification project, the State <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/<a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/Environment-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Environment-impact-assessment”>Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) informed theUttarakhand that it never received an application forSukhatal development, when it’s mandatory for the state to get environmental clearance (EC) fromSEIAAbefore starting any such project.

The court was also informed that Sukhatal is part of a wetland. The HC, which had issued notices to the SEIAA and state wetlands management authority during the last hearing, has again sent a notice to the latter. During the last hearing, the court had ordered to stop all construction on Sukhatal lake bed and the stay is still in effect.

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