The Policy is based on a principle of industrial growth in partnership with the States. Central Government will create the enabling policy framework, provide incentives for infrastructure development on a PPP basis through appropriate financing instruments, while State Governments will identify the suitable land and be equity holders in the National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs).
Focus Sectors
- Employment-intensive industries like textiles and garments, leather and footwear, gems and jewellery and food processing industries.
- Capital goods industries like machine tools, heavy electrical equipment, heavy transport, earthmoving and mining equipment.
- Industries with strategic significance like aerospace, shipping, IT hardware and electronics, telecommunication equipment, defence equipment and solar energy.
- Industries where India enjoys a competitive advantage such as automobiles, pharmaceuticals and medical equipments.
- Small and medium enterprises and public sector enterprises.
Simplification of Regulatory Environments
- Timelines will be defined for all clearances.
- Central and State governments to provide exemptions from rules and regulations related to labour, environment etc. subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions.
- Mechanisms for the cooperation of public or private institutions with government inspection services under the overall control of statutory authorities to be developed.
- Process of clearances by centre and state authorities to be progressively web-