Dependent widow (pension) maintenance grant
Under this scheme, such widows whose age is 18 years to 60 years and whose monthly income is below Rs.1000 / – and neither son / grandson is more than 20 years old. There is provision of grant of Rs 800 / – per month for grant of maintenance and education of children.
Gaura DeviKanya Dhan Yojana
On passing the Intermediate examination by the girls of the general caste, the scheme is being implemented from the year 2006-07 for the purpose of encouraging the general caste girls to be educated. In BPL families of rural areas, having annual income less then Rs. 15976 / – and in urban areas Rs. 21206 / – The girls of the families are being provided with National Savings Certificates (NSCs) for Rs. 50000 / – as “Gaura Devi” Kanyadan Yojana .
Award Scheme for marriage to widows
Under this scheme, remarriage of a widow below 35 years of age will result in a reward of Rs.11000 / – to the couple.
Scholarship scheme for women / girls of general caste
Under this scheme, women / girls of families living below poverty line are given scholarship for higher education in medical, engineering, polytechnic and ITI, MB.A.