The impact of Covid-19 on education sector are as follows:
- Closing down of schools, colleges, universities due to the pandemic.
- Postponement of graduation and degree exams.
- Focus on e learning and Tele classes.
- Inter country migration of student got hampered due to Pandemic as various countries has put barrier on flight movement due to lockdown.
- The sudden onset of the crisis has forced many teachers into virtual classrooms, unprepared for the demands and expectations of this new reality.
- The rush to transition to working remotely has left them with insufficient preparation time to learn and adapt to the modalities of virtual and distance teaching, managing virtual workspaces and classes, and engaging students in new and innovative ways of learning. For some teachers, these challenges are amplified by their own caregiving responsibilities and lack of access to technology and infrastructure, and for many more, the situation has required out-of-pocket expenses for supplies and equipment.
- Although such measures address an immediate need, training must be consistent with professional standards, must not undermine education quality, and must be thoroughly developed to complement virtual teaching in the long term.
- Practical work, field work, Internship are also getting affected.