There has been increase in the MP’s with criminal cases in the last 20 years. Currently 43% of the MP’s are with Criminal background and it is not good for Political ecosystem and governance is the ultimate sufferer. The major reasons for rise in Criminalisation of Politics are:
- Use od money power and opaqueness in funding. Electoral bonds has increased secrecy in funding.
- Lowering down of morality in Indian society which is reflected in Politics too.
- Lack of will from political parties to implement laws and judgements to give impetus to electoral reforms.
- Parties resorting to any means to attain power and after getting in power indulge in self-aggrandisement.
- Communalism , Casteism, Regionalism, Sectarianism leads to fissiparous tendencies and this issues gets priority as election issue rather than Modernisation and development.
- Loss of trust among voters. Nearly 30 Crore people doesn’t participate in elections which can change the scenario if shows participation.
- Civil societies, NGO’s need to make Indians Politically more educated. Information has to made accessible so that voters can make informed choice.
- Implementation of Law commission reports, SC judgements in letter and spirit.
- Need of bringing transparency in campaign financing.
- Political parties need to be under RTI.
- ECI shall be equipped to audit the financial reports of Political parties.
- Broader governance will have to improve for voters to reduce the reliance on criminal politicians.