The major demands can be put under following head and are as follows:
Opportunity for participation in the government was one of the major demands of the Indian National Congress. It demanded Indian representation in the government.
High land revenue was one of the major factors that contributed to the oppression of the peasants. It demanded reduction in the land revenue and protection of peasants against exploitation of the zamindars. The Congress also advocated the imposition of heavy tax on the imported goods for the benefit of swadeshi goods.
Higher officials who had responsibility of administration in India were selected through civil services examinations conducted in Britain. This meant that educated Indians who could not afford to go to London had no opportunity to get high administrative jobs. Therefore, Indianisation of services through simultaneous Indian Civil Services Examinations in England and India was a major demand of the Congress.
Because of the partial treatment against the Indian political activists by English judges it demanded the complete separation of the Executive and the Judiciary.