India is one of the major producers of fertilizers and meets 80 percent of urea requirements by domestic production.For feeding millions of mouths, high productivity is required which makes high level of plant nutrients essential.
NBS scheme is being implemented from April 2010 by the Department of Fertilizers,Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers. Under NBS, a fixed amount of subsidy decided on an annual basis, is providedon each grade of subsidized Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizers depending on its nutrient content.
The objective of the scheme is to ensure that sufficient quantities of P&K is at the farmer’sdisposal at statutory controlled prices. So that the agricultural growth can be sustained and balanced nutrientapplication to the soil can be ensured.It aims at ensuring balanced use of fertilizers, improving agricultural productivity, promoting the growth of theindigenous fertilizers industry and also reducing the burden of Subsidy.