The National Health Profile (NHP) has been prepared by the Central Bureau of HealthIntelligence (CBHI). The National Health Profile was first published in 2005.Ever since the profile has beenreleased every year. The profile provides information on demographic, socio-economic health status, healthfinance indicators, health infrastructure and health of human resources in the country.
Key takeaways from the Health Profile:
- The life expectancy in India has increased from 49.7 years in 1970-75 to 68.7 years in 2012-16. For thesame period,the life expectancy for females is 70.2 years and 67.4 years for males.
- The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) for the country was 2.3 whereas in rural areas it has been 2.5 and 1.8 inurban areas during 2016.
- The infant mortality rate has also declined considerably at 33 per 1,000 live births in 2016. However,thedifference between rural (37) & urban (23) are still high.
- The highest population density of 11,320 people per square kilometre was reported by Delhi whereasArunachal Pradesh has reported the lowest population density of 17.
- India spends only 1.28% of its gross domestic product (according to 2017-18 budget estimates) as publicexpenditure on health.
- Air pollution-linked acute respiratory infections contributed 68.47 per cent to the morbidity burden inthe country and also to highest mortality rate after pneumonia.