The major demand by ECI are as follows:
- First and foremost demand is to make the demand charged expenditure on. It will provide financial independence to the ECI. The denial of Financial independence does not go well with the status of ECI.
- Independent secretariat for the commission
- A proposal has been made by the commission to bring in a reform with respect to use of common electoral roll prepared by the commission. There is a non-uniformity of practice amongst States which causes duplication of essentially the same taskbetween two different constitutional bodies i.e. the Election Commission of India and the State ElectionCommissions that entails the same effort and expenditure again by the States.
- Section 60 of The Representation of the People Act, 1951 should be amended to provide overseas electors thealternative option of proxy voting or postal ballot voting. Theelectronic transmission of postal ballot can beprovided by amendment of Rules as has been done in the case of service voters.
- The Commission proposes that making of any false statement or declaration before the ElectionCommission, Chief Electoral Officer, District Election Officer, Presiding Officer or any authorityappointed under The Representation of the People Act, 1951, in connection with any electoral mattershould be an electoral offence under the said Act, along the lines of section 31 of The Representationof the People Act, 1950.