Steps to modernise agri are as follows:
- Increase area under irrigation.
- Increase adoption of hybrid and improved seeds.
- Dynamic seed development plans.
- States should aim to increase the seed replacement rate (SRR) to 33 per cent for self-pollinatedcrops and 50 per cent for cross-pollinated cropsin alternative years.
- Increase variety replacement ratio to phase out old varieties of seed.
- Strengthen seed testing facilities.
- Uniform national procedure for seed licensing.
- Efficient fertiliser uses.
- Reorientation of fertilizer policy.
- Regulation of pesticide use.
- Subsidies on the use of liquid fertilizers.
- Investment subsidies for microirrigation.
- Strengthen extension services:
- Synergy between agriculture technology management agency and Krishi Vigyan kendra.
- Public Private partnership in KVK
- Market led extension
- District level skill mapping