A deficiency disease is caused due to the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals. The deficiency of vitamin lead to the vitamin deficiency disease.
Vitamin/Mineral | Deficiency disease | Symptoms |
Vitamin A | Loss of vision | Poor vision, loss of vision in darkness |
Vitamin B1 | Beri beri | Weak musles and very little energy to work |
Vitamin C | Scurvy | Bleeding gums, wounds take longer time to heal |
Vitamin D | Rickets | Bones become soft and bent |
Calcium | Bone and tooth decay | Weak bones, tooth decay |
Iodine | Goitre | Glands in the neck appear swollen, mental disability in children |
Iron | Anaemia | Weakness |
Deficiency of protein causesstunted growth, swelling offace, discolouration of hair,skin diseases and diarrhoea. If food is deficient in bothcarbohydrates and proteins,the growth may stopcompletely; a personbecomes very lean, thin andso weak that he/she may noteven be able to move.