Culture of India was in a stage of questioning because of the rational outlook brought up by the Britishers. The culture of India experienced the ideals of modernity. The factors that led the educated elite in India to introspect into their own culture were:
- Spread of Nationalism: The rising tide of nationalism and democracy also found expression in movements to reform and democratise the social institutions, religious and cultural outlook of the Indian People.
- Advent of Britishers: The regeneration of the Socio-cultural regeneration of the Indian in the 19th century was given a push by the British presence. Britishers presented India as stagnant civilisation and a static and decadent society.
- Ideals like rationalism, religious universalism and humanism helped to judge the social practices. These practices were put up for the test of their social relevance. The faith was replaced by rationality.
- Religion come under the ambit of questioning. Elements of logic and reasoning also helped to introspect the culture.
- Western education exposed the Indian educated elite to the modern ideals of equality, democratic values, secularism. This ideals also gave support to the introspection of culture.

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