Below are the latest updates of Daily Mains Practice question
- DMPQ-. Give a brief description of Paul Appleby’s criticism of CAG’s Auditing responsibility.
- DMPQ-Monolithic pillars are epitome of Mauryan architecture.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ-Write an essay on Simon Bolivar’s role in latin America’s freedom.
- DMPQ-Discuss the role of e-governance in India’s rural development.
- DMPQ-Discuss the CAG’s relationship with public corporations.
- DMPQ-Write an essay on the rise of modern Japan.
- DMPQ-How does ENSO (El-Nino southern oscillation) phenomenon effects Monsoon in India ?
- DMPQ-Briefly describe photonics. Also mention the need of photonics.
- DMPQ-Describe the role and objectives of Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities.
- DMPQ-What is Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). How does it effects India’s climate.
- DMPQ-. Give a brief description about Bio-piracy with examples.
- DMPQ-. Discuss the constitutional evolution of national commission for ST’s. Also mention the functions of the commission.
- DMPQ-Trace the events that led to the unification of Italy.
- DMPQ-. Explain different types of rain.
- DMPQ-What is hydroponics? Mention the important factors necessary for successful practice of hydroponics.
- DMPQ-Discuss the constitutional evolution of national commission for SC’s.
- DMPQ-Discuss the different types of fronts formed during the process of frontogenesis.
- DMPQ-. Describe the basic concept of Cloning. Also mention the potential drawbacks of applications of Cloning.
- DMPQ- . How did extra constitutional institutes like planning commission has effected the significance of finance commission.
- DMPQ- Napoleonic Empire was Doomed Because of Its Inherent and Self Defeating Contradictions.”
- DMPQ- . Discuss the types of cells formed primary wind circulations.
- DMPQ- Point out the major components and applications of biometric system.
- DMPQ- Explain the role of joint state public service commission.
- DMPQ- . “American Revolution was a Natural and Even Expected Event in The History of Colonial People Who Had Come of Age.” Comment.
- DMPQ- Point out the major mineral belts of India.
- DMPQ- Briefly describe the stem cell. Mention the characteristics of Stem cells.
- DMPQ- Explain the role of state public service commission’s role in the recruitment process.
- DMPQ- . Throw light on the economic and political activities of Jaiprakash Narayan’s socialist party after independence.
- DMPQ- Give a brief background about cripps mission. Mention the major features of cripps mission.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the major crop patterns in India.
- DMPQ- Explain the potential disadvantages of Transgenic crops.
- DMPQ- Point out the constitutional provisions inducted to ensure the independent working of state public service commission.
- DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Lal Bahadur Shastri era.
- DMPQ- Discuss how Lahore resolution became founding stone for the success of two nation theory.
- DMPQ- . Throw light on the recommendations given by Kakodkar committee for railway safety.
- DMPQ- What are Transgenic crops ? Explain how transgenic crops have the potential to end the food security crisis.
- DMPQ- . Briefly describe the composition of state public service commission and also mention the process of removal of it’s members.
- DMPQ- Explain government of India’s role in the liberation of Bangladesh.
- DMPQ- Explain how Tripuri congress session led to the foundation of Forward block.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description of current scenario of solar power production in India.
- DMPQ- Discuss the process of regulation of Genetically modified (GM) foods in India.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the various features of administration contained in the sixth Schedule for tribal areas.
- DMPQ- Trace the salient features of Government of India act, 1935.
- DMPQ- . Evaluate the recommendations of nachiketa committee for financial inclusion.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the Applications of Biotechnology in live stock and animal husbandry.
- DMPQ- Discuss the various features of administration contained in the Fifth Schedule for tribal areas.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description of communal award (1932) and puna pact.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the recommendations given by Urjit patel committee for monetary policy framework.
- DMPQ- . Explain how Biotechnology can play significant role in the conservation of Bio diversity and environment.
- DMPQ- Throw light on the special constitutional provisions inducted for the national capital region.
Revised Launch of our Mains DMPQ Program under the expert guidence of Sri Shresth Dixit, who will be the program cordinator for the DMPQ Program. Students may contact for any queries with Sri Shresth Dixit on shresth@pscnotes.com.
The most important features of the revised DMPQ are as follows:-
- Now the model answers will be provided for all the questions of DMPQ.
- Daily Set will include 6 questions (5 related to GS part of syllabus and 1 related to Rajasthan GK)
- Questions of DMPQ will be different from the mains test series and it is a humble request to even the subscribers of Mains test series to actively participate in Mains answer Writing practice.
- The Program will be completely FREE
- Reviews by the Pscnotes.com team will be furnished for the students answers along with suggestion’s.
- What is the mandate of SFIO? ( ECONOMY)
- What is Nagaraj judgement? Discuss in detail. (POLITY)
- What is Rohingya crisis? (IR)
- Explain the basic parts of the computer? (SCIENCE)
- What are vulture restaurants? Describe their aims. (ECOLOGY)
- What is safety valve theory? Does the safety valve theory explain the formation of congress? ( HISTORY)
- Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care sector. Discuss ( SCIENCE)
- Write a short note on plea bargaining?( POLITY)
- Write a short note on G4. (IR)
- What are the significance of passing the Benami transactions( prohibition) act, 2016? ( ECONOMY)
- What do you understand by the term due process of law and procedure established by law? (POLITY)
- What were the factors which lead to the unification of the hitherto fragmented and diversified India in the 19th century? ( HISTORY)
- What are the major advantages of the Real estate regulation act 2016? ( ECONOMICS)
- Application of nanotechnology in the field of electronics and IT application. Discuss. (SCIENCE)
- Write a short note on the Indian ocean rim association.(IR)
- What is benami transaction? What are the key provisions of the Benami Transactions ( Prohibition) Amendment act, 2016? (ECONOMY)
- Write a short note on G20. (IR)
- Write a short note on Gram Nyayalayas (POLITY)
- Interlinking of rivers is seen as a viable option to address the issue of water scarcity. Do you think interlinking of rivers is a full proof solution? (ENVT.)
- Although non cooperation movement failed to achieve the desired objective, it had huge significance. Comment ( HISTORY)
- What are the key provisions of the Real estate regulation act? (ECONOMY)
- Write a short note on G7. (IR)
- What are lok adalats? Write down the Powers of lok adalats? What are the advantages of lok adalats? (POLITY)
- What is captive breeding programme? Discuss its advantage. (SCIENCE)
- What were the course of events unfolded in operation polo? ( HISTORY)
- What is Government budget? What are the components of the Government budget? (ECONOMY)
- Write a short note on the Hague code of conduct. (IR)
- Write short note on e-court project. (POLITY)
- Application of nanotechnology in the field of Energy application. (SCIENCE)
- Explain the role of doctrine of lapse and doctrine of escheat in the formation of British empire. (HISTORY )
- India has been accorded observer status in the arctic council. What are the implications for India. (IR)
- Comment on the rig veda economy. (Ancient India)
- Give a brief account on following term. (Economy) a) Monetary policy transmission b) Ponzi scheme
- Do you think ordinance is a source of concern and it should be removed from our constitution? (Polity)
- Nitrogen pollution is more dangerous than carbon pollution. How nitrogen affects our ecosystem. (Science)
- Give a brief account on the administration of Cholas. (History)
- Man-animal conflict is on rise. What are the causes of Conflicts also mention the impacts of Man-animal conflict. (Envt)
- What is CRISPR-Cas9 and explain the process involved in using it. (Science)
- What is the recapitalisation plan for the banks? Discuss the implication of the plan. (Economy)
- Recently Prime Minister advocated for simultaneous elections for Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and local bodies. Discuss the points in favour of conduction simultaneous elections. (Polity)
- What are electoral bonds? Discuss the concerns associated with electoral bonds. (Polity)
- Recently the agriculture export policy was announced by the government of India. Discuss the objectives of the agriculture export policy. (Economy)
- Man- animal conflict is a serious issue. Discuss the possible solution to address the issue. (Envt.)
- What is recombinant DNA technology? Mention the steps involved in rDNA technology? (Science)
- Give an account on the compositions of atmosphere. (geography)
- On Papers Simultaneous elections seems good but implementation of it entails large arrays of problems. Discuss the points against conducting simultaneous elections. (Polity)
- What were the steps taken by government of India to regulate the Shell companies? (Economy)
- BBIN ( IR)
- Akbar was highly tolerant Mughal emperor. Discuss the religious policy of Akbar. (Medieval History)
- The art of textual illustration got a new look under the Mughals. Discuss the achievements in the field of painting. (Medieval India)
- What are shell companies? What are the concerns associated with shell companies. (Economy)
- What are fronts? Name the different type of fronts. (Geography)
- What are the causes of corruption in Judiciary? (Polity)
- What is a social problem? Discuss the major social problems faced by India? (Scoiology)
- What is lateral entry in civil services? Present a case for lateral entry.
- What is bio dynamics? Explain its role in sustainable development and assuring farmers income. (Science)
- What is New Development Bank and explain its mandate? (International organisation)
- Discuss the characteristics of the Chola art and their contribution in the field of art and architecture. (Ancient Art)
- What is external commercial borrowing? Who controls External commercial borrowing and discuss its advantages.
- What is hydroponics? What are its advantages? (Science)
- What is Rohingya issue? How it is affecting India? (IR)
- Is death penalty justified in current scenario? (Polity)
- What is brent crude? What are the impact of rising oil prices on India?
- What were the teachings of Saint Kabir? ( Medieval India)
- What is Base erosion and profit sharing? Discuss the provisions of the Base erosion and profit sharing project? (Economy)
- What are the similarities between bhakti movement and sufism? (Medieval INDIA/ BHAKTI MOVEMENT)
- BCIM . (IR)
- Recently BHEL is negotiating with Libcoin to build India’s first lithium-ion Gigafactory. Discuss the advantages of Lithium ion battery. (Science)
- What in Indra sawney case? Explain its provision and comment on its relevance. ( Polity)
- What are the advantages of having a coalition government in India?
- Do you think untouchability is still rampant in India? (sociology)
- How beneficial is FDI for developing countries like India?
- What are vedas? Name the vedas and its composition. ( Ancient India)
- What is H1B issue? How this issue is going to affect India? (International relation)
- What is the difference between FDI and FII. ( Economy)
- Discuss the Rina tradition of India and explain briefly various types of Rina. (Indian sociology)
- Independence, impartiality and fearlessness of judges are not private rights of judges but citizen’s rights. Ultimately judicial legitimacy/ power rests on people’s confidence in courts. In this context discuss the concerns with the collegium system. (POLITY)
- Discuss the achievements of Indian in the field of Science and technology in Ancient India. ( Ancient India)
- Discuss the Mandate of world meteorological organisation? ( International organisation)
- What is the difference between euploidy and aneuploidy? ( Science)
- Discuss the significance of ashram vyavastha. (Sociology)
- Parliamentary control on government and executive is on decline. Do you agree with the statement. (POLITY)
- What are the differences between gene and chromosomes? (science)
- Explain the composition of UNSC. (IR)
- Why student suicide is increasing at a rapid rate in the recent past? ( SOCIOLOGY)
- Discuss the provisions under article 356. (POLITY)
- How did British colonial rule affect Indian agriculture? ( History)
- What is ‘Pratyush’? Discuss its advantage. (Science)
- CBI autonomy is under serious crisis. Suggest the possible solutions to address the issue. (Polity)
- Where is Chahabhar Port located and why it was in the news? Discuss its importance for India. (IR)
- Discuss the evolution of civil services in India? (History)
- What is PPP model? What are the advantages of PPP?(Economy)
- Farm loan waiver has become a populist tool. Do you think loan waiver is the ultimate solution? (Economy)
- Do you think educational qualification should be the criteria for fighting panchayat elections? (POLITY)
- What are the steps taken by the government of India to prevent illegal sand mining? (Envt.)
- Why there was the growth of militant nationalism at the end of the 19th century? (history)
- What are bioplastics? Discuss the issues with the use of bioplastics. (Science)
- What are the opportunities and challenges confronting the Indian small scale industrial sector in the era of globalization
- What do you mean by Rainwater harvesting ?
- What do you mean by Direct Action Day ?
- What are 9 Basic Hindu Beliefs?
- Differentiate between Minerals and Ores
- Discuss the provisions of the government of India Act 1892. ( History)
- Parliament disruptions have undermine the credibility of parliament. Comment on the consequences of the political disruptions and present a way forward to address the issue. ( polity)
- What is drip irrigation? Explain the benefits of drip irrigation. ( Geography)
- What are masala bonds? Explain their significance (ECONOMY)
- Why do you think there is an urgent need of UNSC reforms? ( IR)
- What is Washington consensus? (Polity)
- What are the merits and demerits of canal irrigation? (Geography)
- Discuss the effects of the proclamation of emergency on the legislative relations? (Polity)
- Discuss the provisions of the charter act of 1861.(history)
- CAATSA was recently in news. What is CAATSA? How it will affect India? (IR)
- What is secularism? How Indian concept of secularism is different from western form of secularism? ( sociology)
- Discuss the importance of 9th schedule and why it was inserted in the constitution? (Polity)
- Discuss the provision of the charter act of 1853. (history)
- Discuss the steps taken by government of India for the upliftment of women farmers. (economy)
- What is fuel cell? How Hydrogen fuel cell work? ( SCIENCE)
- What are the main components of good governance?
- What could be the reasons for the acceptance of “Partition” by the Congress ?
- Mention the Appointment and term of office of members of Public Service Commission
- Write a short note on Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the Aligarh movement.
- Delegated Legislation is against the ethos of democracy. Critically analyse.
- Differentiate between the Akhbar and Aurangzeb’s policy for Rajputs.
- Explain the importance of the specialized wings of NITI Ayog.
- What were the mains Reasons of Humayun’s Downfall?
- Explain the various stages for the development of Hindi Language.
- What do you mean by Shaivism? mention the sub sects under Shaivism.
- Explain the provisions for Citizenship in Indian Constitution.
- What do mean by the Concepts of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha ?
- Write an essay on the development of Architecture during Chalukyas.
- What were the changes brought by British in the administrative structure after the revolt of 1857?
- Write a short note on the republican constitution of the The Licchavi’s .
- Write a short note on the policies and programs for Scheduled Tribes of India
- Explain the administrative structure of Chola’s.
- Mention the objectives for the formation of all-India services in India.
- Explain the transport of water in Plants
- Write a note on the foreign travelers to ancient and medieval India.
- Mention the Types of Government Interaction in e-governance.
- Evaluate India’s role in NAM
- What do you mean by Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) ?
- Highlight the provisions of Food Safety And Standards Act, 2006.
- Write a short note on Kidney Disease and Dialysis
- What is the jurisdiction of Lokpal in India?
- Write and Essay on the Sectoral Composition with respect to contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Employment
- Examine the Role of Christian Missionary in imparting Education in India during British Colonial period
- Explain the modern theories of the origin of monsoon.
- What are the different types of Biofuels?
- Examine the constitutional provisions for Uniform Civil Code .
- What are the Forms and types of foreign Capital
- Mention the Role Of Women In Indian National Movement.
- What are the advantages of Rain water Harvesting?
- Mention the application of Earth Observation satellite of ISRO
- Critically examine the Central Government Initiatives for Ease of doing business.
- Examine the methods for the calculation of MSP.
- Evaluate the revenue administration of Maratha’s.
- Write a short note on different types of Rural settlement.
- What are the objectives of National Seed Policy ?
- What are the functions of the National Human Right Commission?
- Explain in detail the methods to calculate National Income.
- Trace the evolution and growth of Jainism in India.
- Explain Tide. What are different types of tides?
- Explain the Crop breeding and the introduction of GM crops for food production.
- What are the constitutional provisions for the protection of women in India.
- Evaluate the pro and cons of decentralized economic planning.
- Write a short note on the world heritage sites in India.
- Highlight the importance of Dams as a vehicle for flood control
- what is environment impact assessment? Why it is conducted? (Envt.)
- Comment on the relevance of State Legislative Council. (Polity)
- Outline the provisions of charter act 1833. (history)
- Industrial efficiency is a key to sound economy. In this contest discuss the key initiative taken by India to boost industrial performance. ( economy)
- What is Tsunami? What are the causes of Tsunami? (Geography)
- What are vishakha guidelines? ( Acts)
- Outline the provisions of Charter Act of 1793. (History)
- What is law commission? Outline its importance. (Polity)
- Challenges in logistics are main concern for Indian trade. Comment. (Economy)
- Sustainable development goals 11 states that make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Discuss the step taken by the government to upgrade the urban amenities and give some solutions to address the problem of urban surge. (Envt.)
- What is the doctrine of check and balances? (Polity)
- What are critical inftructure? Explain with examples. ( Economy)
- Give an outline on the provisions of charter act of 1813. (history)
- Recently, loksabha passed the surrogacy(regulation ) bill. Discuss the features of the bill. (Acts/Bills)
- What is surrogacy, surrogate mother and intended couple? Explain its different types? (science)
- What is Organic farming
- Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.
- Discuss applications of science and technology in social and economic development.
- Write a critical essay on basic assumptions and utilities of the directive principles of state policy as provided by the Constitution of India.
- Discuss special features of Jute Industry of India
- Why pitt’s act was passed by the British Parliament? Give an account of its provisions.
- What are the efforts taken by Central government to control inflation? (economics)
- What are the characteristics of a written constitution?( Polity)
- Explain the following terms:(Science)
- In recent years, the national capital Delhi and adjoining areas have experienced alarmingly poor air quality starting winter. What are the possible solutions to address this situation? ( envt.)
- As India emerges as one of the world ‘s largest economies, it needs to gradually move from being a net consumer of knowledge to becoming a net producer. Discuss the issue attached with Expenditure on Science and Technology?
- What are the reasons for the passing of regulating act, 1773?( History)
- What are the possible reasons for the delay and pendency of cases in courts?( Polity)
- Outline the provisions of Child labour( Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2016?( Acts)
- Maintaining healthy relationship in international affair is always a concern. In this context discuss the major concerns in India’s Foreign policy? ( IR)
- Political parties should not be under the ambit of RTI. Do you agree with the statement? Give suggestions in support of your answer.(Acts)
- Explain the following terms: (Economy)
- Outline the main principles of Indian Foreign policy at the time of Independence.( International relations)
- What are the tools through which judiciary has a control executive? (polity)
- What is the importance of regulating act? Outline its provisions (History)
- What do you mean by Horse Latitudes ? Explain the location.
- Discuss the causes of the failure of Humayun
- Identify the few shortcomings of the election system in India
- Write in brief on non-conventional sources of energy
- What do you understand by decentralized planning?
- Why there is a need of environmental law ? Discuss in brief the problems in nuking and implementing the environmental laws.
- Discuss the structure of Atmosphere.
- Throw light on the invasion of Nadir Shah and its effects.
- Evaluate the relationship of Indian President and Prime Minister.
- Write in brief about primary and secondary sexual characters.
- What is the quality of employment?
- Give a brief information on factors responsible for environmental degradation
- Give a classification of ocean deposits on the basis of sources.
- Examine the social structure under the Rajputs.
- Explain the structure of the subordinate courts and their constitutional basis in India.
- What is Newton’s First Law of motion Explain in brief
- Give mains reasons of regional imbalance.
- Write in brief about causes and solutions of climate change.
- Discuss types of soils and their distribution in India.
- Mention the important sources of the history of Harshavardhana.
- Explain the proposed office of Lokpal in the law and his jurisdictions in India.
- What is nano-technology? Write in brief about its possible applications.
- What are the reasons for low sex ratio in our country?
- Write in brief on e-waste management.
- Mention main Non-conventional Sources of energy of India
- Trace the causes of failure of the Revolt of 1857 and throw light on its importance.
- Discuss the ideology and programme of any two major political parties in India.
- Explain Ozone layer depletion and its effects.
- Write the main reasons for low industrialization in India.
- What is “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” ? Discuss their causes. Write down the adverse effects of climate change and describe the international efforts are to be taken to control it.
- Give a geographical description of Drainage System of Chambal River.
- Describe the public welfare activities of Firuzshah Tughluq.
- Judiciary is a watchdog to protect the fundamental rights. Evaluate.
- Explain the role of sustainable development in environment protection
- Write any two causes of inflationary rise in prices in recent years
- Discuss Biodiversity with special reference to India.
- Discuss special features of Jute Industry of India
- Discuss the nature and significance of Din-i-Eahi
- Write a critical essay on basic assumptions and utilities of the directive principles of state policy as provided by the Constitution of India.
- Discuss applications of science and technology in social and economic development.
- Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.
- What is Organic farming
- Give an account of four Iron-Steel Plants established in public sector of India after Independence.
- Explain ‘economic drain’ and discuss its causes.
- Critically examine the State Information Commission and its powers and functions.
- What is meant by supplementary nutrition ?
- Distinguish between Green Revolution and Golden Revolution.
- What are Hotspots of Biodiversity
- Describe the relief conditions of Aravalli Hills.
- Give a brief account of the Birsa Munda Movement.
- Present an analysis of the different types of jurisdictions of the Supreme Court according to the Constitution of India.
- What do you mean by Biotechnology ?
- What measures has been undertaken by the government for the reform in its financial sector on recommendations of the Naimham Committee?
- What do you mean by waste management
- Himalaya is a distinct physiographic region of the country. Bring out the salient features of its longitudinal ranges.
- Write a short note; on Kunwar Singh
- What are social legislation’s?
- Write an essay about Technological interventions regarding Family Healthcare area
- What are some emerging trends in Indian agriculture as a result of liberalization?
- Discuss the success of “Namami Gange”
- Describe the rate and spatial pattern of growth of population in India since 1901
- Between whom did the Carnatic Wars take place ? What was their result?
- Explain the Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Policy, 2007
- Write a note on remote sensing.
- What are the objectives of Pradhan Mantri Gram SadakYojna (PMGSY)?
- Define Biodiversity.
- Descibe the salient features of stalactites and stalagmites and process of their formation.
- Write a note on Ashth Pradhan
- Evaluate the whistle-blower law of India.
- What is cyber defence and why is it essential?
- Write a short note on Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).
- What is sustainable development
- Give an account of the physiography of Peninsular India and describe its physiographic sub-regions
- Discuss those factors which assisted in the rise of Indian Nationalism.
- What is the basis of the distribution of Powers between Centre and States as implied in Indian Constitution ?
- Briefly describe Darwinism.
- Write the role of Regional Rural Banks in providing institutional credit to agriculture.
- Write the full form of IUCN. In which year the Parliament of India enacted the Wild Life Protection Act and what was its purpose ?
- Throw the light on the types of irrigation and their distribution pattern in India and write about its role in agricultural development of the country.
- Write a note on Surat Split
- What do you mean by Adult-Franchise ?
- Corrosion and its prevention
- Write the salient feature of Kisan Credit Card Scheme.
- Suggest some measures to control noise pollution.
- Describe Green House Gases.
- Discuss Gandhi-Irwin Pact in brief.
- Explain the six freedoms as mentioned in Right Freedom under Indian Constitution.
- Nuclear fallout and its effects
- Suggest the measures to revitalise Cooperative Movement in India.
- Differentiate between a National Park and a Sanctuary.
- What is eco-farming ? How it is different from Green revolution farming ? Discuss.
- Discuss briefly the subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley
- Clearly explain in short the salient features of Right to information Act- 2005.
- Population Explosion and Family Welfare Programme
- Explain the functions of Stock Market.
- Describe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
- How does the Western Ghats differ from the Eastern Ghats ?
- Throw light on the contribution of Swami Dayanand and Arya Samaj
- What do you understand by community based organizations ?
- What are the Causes and hazardous effects of Earth Quakes.
- Analyze various steps taken by SEBI to strengthen the capital market in India. –
- Explain Flood Early Warning System.
- Describe the types of rainfall.
- Discuss the causes of the First World War in detail.
- People’s participation is the basic element of the reality of Democratic Government. Explain.
- Give the laboratory method of preparation of hydrogen gas. Describe the isotopes of hydrogen gas. Give the difference and uses of isotopes of hydrogen gas.
- Explain the measures taken by government to eliminate inequities in income distribution in India.
- Explain the impact of solid waste on our environment and show how it can be managed.
- Explain the essential conditions for the development of Iron and Steel Industry and give suitable examples from U.S.A.
- Discuss the religious policy of Aurangzeb. What were its consequences ?
- Describe the functions of political parties in democracy.
- Write names of two important ores of iron and describe its method of extraction giving chemical equations.
- There IS downward trend in economic inequality worldwide with a rise in the average education level; Comment.
- Write the functions of the following : (i) UNESCO (ii) SCOPE (iii) UNDP
- What is Western disturbance ? Describe its impact on India.
- What was the effect of British Economic Policies on Indian Economy ? Discuss.
- Enumerate some of the adopted suggestions for Electoral Reforms.
- What do you mean by polymer and polymerisation ? Give the method of preparation and structure of following: i) Rubber ii) PVC iii) Polythene
- Mention the technological factors responsible for low productivity in agriculture in India..’ ;
- What are the main objectives of I.M.F.?
- Give a short description of Cement Industry.
- Write a short note on the city administration system of Patliputra as narrated by Megasthenes
- Whal do you understand by Judicial Activism ?
- What do you mean by chemical equilibrium ? Describe its characteristics.
- What are the objectives of land reforms in India?
- What are the main functions of World Bank ?
- Vegetation of an area is an index of climate. Discuss.
- Throw light on the Chola Village Sabha administration as described in Uttaimerur Inscription.
- What are Non-Governmental Organisations ?
- How are acidic and basic nature of solutions expressed in specific terms ?
- Analyze the prospects of Twelfth Plan in the light of its drivers of growth and growth targets for the plan.
- What are the objectives of W.H.O. ?
- Explain the convectional rain-fall.
- Give a brief description of the Mughal military system.
- Write down salient features of the Indian Administrative Service.
- Polar satellites and their usefulness
- Tell about main reasons of ‘Malnutrition’.
- What are the ways the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopts to reduce banners to international trade ?
- Discuss the development of painting during the period of Jahangir.
- Write down the functions of Union Public Service Commission alongwith Constitutional provisions to safeguard the independence of its members.
- Write short note on blood groups.
- Write about the structure of W.H.O.
- Compare the Subsistence Agriculture and the Commercial Agriculture.
- Discuss the battle that took place between Rani Durgavati and the Mughal army
- How is finance controlled by the Parliament ? Explain.
- Explain energy management
- What are the objectives of United Nations Organisation ?
- What are the chief factors of rapid population growth in India ?
- Discuss in short the impact of Muslim culture on India
- Elucidate powers of Comptroller and Auditor General.
- What are information and communication technology ? Explain their applications.
- What do you understand by ‘Panchsheel’ ?
- What are three main functional types of cities of India ? Give examples.
- In what way did the Permanent Settlement affect the peasants ? Discuss.
- Describe in brief Mendel’s Experiments and law of inheritance
- What are the aims of the trade policy of India ?
- Write the causes of decline of traditional cottage industries in India.
- Describe the cell structure with the help of suitable diagrams and functions of the cell
- Write in brief on the achievements of Green Revolution in India.
- Write a note on the decline of Indus Valley Civilization.
- Throw light on the contribution of Raja Todarmal in the development of Dahsala Settlement
- Discuss the nature of the revolt of 1857. Was it a war of independence ?
- RBI has taken several steps to deal with stressed asset problems. Discuss the steps taken by the RBI. Also comment on their success.
- What is the importance of Regulating act? What are the features of the act?
- What is Coriolis force?
- Indian ocean holds an important position for India. Elucidate
- Discuss the evolution of centre-state relation in post independent India.
- What are the areas of concerns in centre and state relationship?
- India-China relation got a setback due to Doklam issue. What was this issue?
- Give an account of the following a) Westerlies b) Horse latitudes c) Doldrums d) Jet streams
- Low skill manufacturing is key to Indian success especially the clothing and manufacturing sector. Do you agree with the statement?
- Outline the steps taken by Gandhi ji towards the upliftment of Harijans?
- What is the amendment procedure in Indian Constitution?
- What is corporate governance? What are the importance of corporate governance? (polity)
- What is SCO? What are the importance of SCO? ( IR)
- Congress tilted towards socialism and communism ideology post 1930 and started bringing the issues of the peasants in front of British. But congress ministries formed during 1937 were not able to unleash radical changes. Discuss. (History)
- India’s NPA problem is a chronic problem and exist at a larger scale then peer countries then what factors didn’t allow Indian economy to collapse? (economic)
- Explain the climate of Japan. (geography)
- Examine the importance of West Asia for India.
- Discuss the features of cool temperate eastern margin type of climate.
- Congress ministries were formed in various province after elections in 1937. What were the provinces where congress ministries were formed. Outline the efforts of the ministries in the field of civil liberty.
- Demonetisation came when world was showing resilience towards negative growth environment. What were the reasons for demonetisation?
- Discuss the nature of Fundamental rights. (polity)
- India has shown keen interest on India’s act east policy, Time has come for active west asia policy. Comment (IR)
- Congress ministries resigned in October 1939 after the outbreak of the second world war. But the period of 28 month was significant. Discuss (History)
- In India still after 1991 reforms there is ambivalence towards private sector. Explain with the example( Economy)
- What are the features borrowed from various constitution?
- Give an account of the following( Schemes) a) Mahila e-haat b) Sakhi-one stop centres c) Ujjwala scheme
- Give an account of the following a) SAKAAR b) PRAGATI c) Aspirational district programme
- In recent years role of credit agencies are under scanner. Comment.
- India-japan relation has evolved especially in post reform period. What are the convergence in Indo-japan relations.
- Outline the resolution made in the wardha session of Congress working committee in 1939.
- Discuss the following a) Corruption perception index b) Press freedom index c) Global peace index d) World investment report
- Discuss the importance of Champaran satyagraha
- Give an account on the geographical distribution of Atomic minerals in India.
- Indian economy is facing lot of challenges including structural challenges. Outline the structural challenges of Indian economy.
- Discuss the following a) LED b) Insulated Gate Bipolar transistor c) Properties of tungsten
- Give an account of following a) Male and female reproductive organs b) Asexual production c) Binary fission d) Fertilisation
- Outline the features of the government of India act, 1909.
- What are the factors that influence the location of an iron and steel industry?
- Suggest solutions to deal with the structural challenges of the Indian economy
- .India joined Hague code of conduct in 2016. What is this hague code of conduct?
- Discuss the reproductive events in the Human?
- What is Universal base income? Why it was suggested and what are its advantage?
- What is coal bed methane? What is the problem in the extraction of coal bed methane?
- What is Asia Africa growth corridor? Discuss its relevance.
- Give an account of the following a) JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE b) Nagpur session of INC in 1920 c) Khilafat movement d) Lahore conspiracy case
- Explain the composition of blood.
- Outline the major differences in International criminal court and International court of justice.
- What is shale gas and fracking? Problems associated with shale gas extraction.
- Lack of access to sanitation is widespread and well documented. The burden faced by women and girls are more due to deficiency in sanitation facility. Comment
- Give an account of the following a) Simon commission b) Meerut conspiracy c) Hindustan republic association d) Radcliff line
- The India Russia ties span the spectrum from sanskriti to suraksha and culture to defence. Discuss the importance of Russia for India.
- Tabulate the difference between mitosis and meiosis.
- Give an account for the following (map based questions) a) Great lakes b) Lake Baikal c) Lake Tanganyika d) Aral sea
- Demographic dividend is a potential and not destiny. In this context discuss the Advantage of demographic dividend.
- Give an account of the following a) Vaikom satyagraha b) Delhi proposal c) Alipore conspiracy d) Muzzafarpur conspiracy case
- Give an account of following a) Hunter commission b) Sadler commission
- India-Russia ties are passing through a turmoil phase. Comment.
- A) What is ultound waves and outline its benefits? b) Use of Inert gases
- How does the climate change affect the global distribution of fauna?
- Explain the different type of subsidies as per WTO agreements
- A recent UN report has highlighted that Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) can cost the Indian economy a whopping Rs. 6.2 trillion during the 2012-2030 period. Discuss the present status of burden of Non-communicable diseases in India. Also, suggest some measures to control the incidence of such diseases and highlight some government’s initiatives in this regard?
- “Healthy bicameralism is predicated on the constructive relationship between Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament.” Analyse the contemporary relevance of the statement.
- Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?
- Critically evaluate the main objectives, nature and outcome of the Bhoodan and Gramdan movements.
- Give a detailed account of major distinction between Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Civilization?
- Economic survey suggested that India’s growth decoupled with the world growth? What is this decoupling and what are the reasons for it?( Economic survey)
- Police must develop smart tactics to address the changing nature of violence. Why police is in the need of the reforms? ( Governance/polity)
- India and the United States have built a strong and strategic bilateral relationship and continues to contribute the stability and prosperity of the world. Why India matters to USA? ( India -USA)
- Discuss the reasons for failure of Swadeshi movement? ( History)
- Give an account of following. ( Envt.) a) Project Tiger b) Project Hangul c) Sea Turtle Project d) Project snow leopard
- Gandhiji decided to initiate limited satyagraha on an individual basis by a few ed individuals” What were the objectives of launching Individual satyagraha? Why it was launched? ( History)
- What was the mandate of the committee headed by D B Shekatkar? Outline its recommendation. ( Military reforms/ polity)
- What is excretion? Outline the functions of kidney. ( Science)
- Fiscal solidarity is key to foundation of a strong economy. N k singh committee was set up to head a fiscal responsibility and budget management panel? Discuss the features of the act. ( Economic reforms)
- Give the account of the following. ( World geography) a) Andes b) Rocky c) Great dividing range d) Drakesnberg
- What is electromagnetic waves? Outline the features of electromagnetic waves? (Science)
- Discuss the key issues with real estate sector? Outline the provisions of Real estate ( regulation and development ) Act, 2016. (Acts)
- What are the issues attached with the functioning of tribunals? (Polity)
- What was the lord Wavell plan? How it was taken by the different political entity? (history)
- Define following term ( Eco) a) Current account b) Capital account c) Balance of payment d) Trade balance
- What is benami transactions? How it affects the economy? Discuss the provisions of the Benami transactions amendment act? (Acts)
- The NGO’s sponsored by corporates and foreign bodies are working for the interests of their sponsors and negatively impacted GDP growth of 2-3% as per the recent claims by IB report. In what way NGO’s are creating hurdle to economic growth? ( Polity)
- What is Desai-liaquat proposal? (History)
- What is SEBI? Write down its functions
- What is Nitrogen cycle. Explain its various stages. (science)
- Explain carbon cycle. ( science)
- NREGA had been projected as the world largest public works project for the generation of jobs. The scheme was well intentioned but had its own set of problems. Discuss the issues with NREGA. ( Scheme evaluation)
- Jinnah turn down Rajagopalchari proposal as it offered a ‘Mutilated and moth-eaten Pakistan. What was the Rajagopalchari formula? ( History)
- Banking sector was highly regulated and the sad state of affairs of the bank prior to 1991 was mainly because of government mismanagement. In this context discuss the recommendation of Narsimahan Committee.
- What are the provisions of RTE acts? ( Acts)
- what are the highlights of New education policy ( Policies)
- What was the purpose of PDS? Evaluate its functioning. ( schemes evaluation)
- What is Basel accord? What are the different BASEL norms? ( economy)
- Royal Indian Navy mutiny made an impression on the British, that it would be better to leave the country. Explain
- Define following term ( Envt.) a) Green Climate fund b) IPCC c) Kiagali agreement d) Global warming potential
- Explain the following terms: ( Envt.) a) Emission trading b) Clean development mechanism c) Joint implementation d) REDD
- Define the following terms; a) Tier -1 capital b) Tier -2 capital c) CAR d) Public debt( Economy)
- Free electric power to the farmers is causing a drain on exchequer and also they are not achieving the desire result. Do you agree with the statement. ( Polity)
- Discuss the role of INA in the freedom struggle. ( History)
- Salient features of NREGA act. ( ACT)
- Quality of Air in Delhi is getting worsen day by day. What are the causes for air pollution in Delhi. Suggest ways to deal with the problem of air pollution. ( Envt)
- What is sustainable agriculture? How it can be achieved?(5 marker)( science)
- Outline the recommendation of Cabinet Mission Plan.( History)
- Tax reforms are the major part of the economic programme. Discuss the reforms taken in the direct taxes and indirect taxes in India.( Economy)
- What was the purpose of Cabinet Mission Plan? How it was received by major political entities of the time? ( History)
- Explain the following terms ( Economy)- Tax havens, BEPS, GAAR and Transfer pricing
- Discuss the features of Domestic violence act? Do you think Domestic violence act has been a successful affair? (Acts)
- Coalition is a reality and can’t be avoided in Indian context. Suggest the ways for coalitions to work. (Polity)
- What is poultry farming? What are the desirable traits developed Obtained after cross breeding? ( Science)
- What do you understand by Tax expenditure? Comment on its relevance? ( Economy)
- social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana.( Schemes)
- Electoral reforms in a democracy is a continuous process. In light of this statement suggest some electoral reforms. ( Polity)
- “ this was the only way to achieve freedom and liberty for the country.” Discuss the reasons for partition of India. ( History)
- What is a disease? Discuss the type of disease? ( Science)
- What is Mixed cropping? What is the criteria for the selection of crops during mixed cropping? Write down the advantages of mixed cropping? (science)
- To cope with climate challenge and to develop resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability ICAR has started NICRA. Discuss the features of this project.( schemes)
- Should there be educational criteria for contesting elections? Critically analyse( Polity)
- Define the following term: (economy)
- Partition of India was inevitable and Mountbatten ensured that peaceful solution to the problem of Partition can be achieved. Discuss the Mountbatten Plan.( History)
- What is interest subvention scheme? Discuss its salient features
- Explain the nature of demands made by Gandhiji in the 11 point ultimatum.
- What is intercropping? Write down the advantages of intercropping?
- What is cooperative federalism? What are the challenges to cooperative federalism?
- What is Inverted duty structure ? How it has impacted Indian manufacturing over the years.
- Name the law passed by the British Government to safeguard the interest of the women.
- What are the objectives of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushdi Pariyojana? Discuss its salient features also.
- What is competitive federalism? Comment on its demerits and merits
- Inflation is a heavy tax and erode the purchasing power of rupees. Discuss the ways to control inflation.
- What is biofortification? AND tissue Culture
- What is immunity? Explain the types of immunity?
- Start up India scheme
- What is a monetary policy? What are its types? List down the objectives of monetary policies.
- What is local self government? What is the significance of local self government?( Polity)
- Socio-reforms movement had negative externalities too. Comment.( History)
- Price stabilisation fund. ( schemes)
- Micropropagation, Somatic hybridisation, Single cell protein, Mutation breeding
- What is gram sabha? Write down its functions and challenges faced by gram sabha? ( Polity)
- Peasants condition got deteriorated during the British Rule. In this context give the reasons for impoverished condition of Peasants. ( Modern History)
- Explain the following terms: ( Econmomy) a) Bank rate b) Merchant discount rate c) Open Market operations d) Repo rate e) MSF
- What is Anti microbial resistance, Volte and quantum computing? (Science)
- What is Horticulture? What are its advantage as a means of source of income for farmers? ( scemes)
- What is fiscal consolidation? Provide the ways to achieve it? ( Economy)
- The response of big Industrialist was quite positive towards the launch of civil disobedience movement. Discuss ( History)
- Discuss the salient features of Rights of person with disability act.
- Discuss the features of citizen amendment bill 2016.( Acts)
- Post 1991 reform era has seen a major changes in the tax system. Discuss the changes( economics)
- social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana.( schemes)
- What was the August offer and its significance? (history)
- What is free space optical communication? Write down its advantages ( science)
- Blue Moon, uper Moon ,Blood Moon and Total internal reflection
- Providing Digital connectivity to all sections will help to create true inclusivity. Bharat Net is a project to accomplish the digital connectivity. Discuss the salient features of Bharat Net. ( schemes)
- #Metoo movement was recently in news. What is this movement? Also discuss the salient features of the sexual hasment at workplace act, 2013.
- Post 1991 Indian economy saw a sudden change in outlook. To bring reforms in the financial sector GOI set up Narsimha committee. Discuss its recommendation.
- What is the difference between Mauryan pillar and Persian pillars?
- Asteroids, Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorites
- Discuss the features of Nagara style of architecture( history)
- Organic farming is one of the solution for sustainable agriculture. In this context discuss the salient features of paramparagat Krishi vikas yojana. ( schemes)
- In Subash kashinath Mahajan Vs the state of Mahahtra case , Supreme Court opined that SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act (PoA act) is being misused and checks are needed to prevent such misuse. In this context discuss the provision of the bill?
- Subsidies are always been a major tool for the inclusivity. Comment on its efficacy. (Economy)
- Explain in brief the provisions of POSCO ( Acts) (Polity)
- Gupta age was the golden age of science and technology. Comment( Ancient history)
- write down the features of Indian society. ( Society)
- North east has huge potential as an engine of growth. Comment (economy)
- Define all All four questions are from science- Neutrino, Indian -based Neutrino observatory, Goldilock zone, Internet of things
TOD: 1) Be the change you want to see in the world.
2) We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.
3) Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.
FOD: India’s energy consumption per capita is just 806 kwh. For USA the figure is 12,984…..( world bank.. think where it can be used)
India occupies 2.4% of the total world land but population is 17% of the world population.
The national density of doctors was 79.7 per lakh population, of nurses and midwives 61.3 per lakh, and of dentists just 2.4 per lakh.
- Why twin deficit is a concern for any economy? Outline the methods adopted by Government of India to deal with twin deficit. ( Economy)
- Indian economy is a gamble of Monsoon. In this context explain the mechanism of monsoon? ( Geography)
- What is Industrial revolution 4.0? Major components of IR 4.0? What are the advantages for India? ( Science)
- 44th Amendment Act 1978, not just reversed the distorted provisions of 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976, but also inserted some safeguards for preventing the gross misuse of power. In the light of above statement, outline the important changes brought through 44th Amendment act. ( Polity)
- Why there was the need of an all India organisation which later in came in the form of congress?
- Explain the following:
1) Sanskritisation
2) Working capital
3) Caste system
4) Social accounting
- what are the benefits attached in adopting electric vehicles in India? ( Science)
- Explain: Prahaar, Sagarika, Shaurya
- What is Soil? Given an account on the types of soil in India? ( Geography)
- Although both Non cooperation and Civil disobedience were launched under the leadership of Gandhi but there were some differences in both the movements. Discuss the difference?( History)
- In India governor’s role is not beyond criticism. There is an allegation of Governors post being politicised and not more than decorated post. What changes you can suggest to change this perception? ( Polity)
- Although India is one of the fastest growing economy the global environment is not conducive enough. Explain the interdependence of global economy with Indian economy. ( economy)
- What is financial inclusion? How financial inclusion can lead to inclusive growth? ( economy)
- Discuss the structure and stratification of the atmosphere?( geography)
- What is National Biopharma scheme? ( science/ scheme)
- Moderates and extremist were two exponents of Indian National movement. What were the major differences between Moderates and Extremist? ( history)
- The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) is the institution through which the accountability of the government to Parliament and through Parliament to the people is ensured. Discuss. ( Polity)
- Explain the following terms
- green mobility
- Eutrophication
- Biochemical oxygen demand
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