Note : There are 15 questions in this part. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 02 marks.
Question 1:- Question 1 has ten objective type questions, each of two marks (10×2=20 marks)
- Explain the Characteristics of Neolithic pottery .[Answer Limit-20 words]
- What does Sanskar Vyavasta stands for? [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Pashupati [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Royal Naval Mutiny [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Explain Chalco-lithic Age ? [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Explain the causes of Dhol Palki Movement.[Answer Limit-20 words]
- State the Consequences of First Battle of Tarain [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Define features of Indo-Islamic Architecture.[Answer Limit-20 words]
- Explain the term Tolkāppiyam .[Answer Limit-20 words]
- Briefly explain the importance of Puniyagiri Mela. [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Legend of Rani Karnavati. [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Who was Shankradeva? [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Coolie- Begar Movement [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Alvars and Nayanars Saints [Answer Limit-20 words]
- Explain the main features of Dravidian Architecture. [Answer Limit-20 words]
Note : There are 10 questions in this part. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 05 marks.
- Bring out the importance of Nehru Report .[Answer Limit-50 words]
- Explain in brief the political and economic experiments of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq .[Answer Limit-50 words]
- What were the main causes for the decline of Gupta Dynasty?[Answer Limit-50 words]
- Explain the concept of Sajda and Paibos .[Answer Limit-50 words]
- What are the main features of Shotiya Tribal Folk Dance. [Answer Limit-50 words]
- Explain the role of Kumaon Council in the development of Nationalist feelings in Uttarakhand. [Answer Limit-50 words]
- How does the Khilafat and Non Cooperation Movements brought Muslim League and Indian National Congress to the same table? [Answer Limit-50 words]
- Explain the economic effects of the policies of British Rule in India.[Answer Limit-50 words]
- What were the main causes of Tana Bhagat Movement?[Answer Limit-50 words]
- Explain the Doctrine of Lapse. [Answer Limit-50 words]
Note : There are 07 questions in this part. Candidate should attempt any 05 questions. Each question carries 08 marks.
- Write and outline of the role of Prominent Freedom Fighters of Uttarakhand in the Indian Independence Struggle [Answer Limit-125 words]
- Explain in detail about the Market and Military Reforms of Allauddin Khilji. [Answer Limit-125 words]
- Why were the first and third of the Round Table Conferences boycotted by Congress? [Answer Limit-125 words]
- How does the Stratification in Vedic Society ultimately lead to the development of Caste system in Society? [Answer Limit-125 words]
- Bring out the importance of maritime trade in Cholan Economy. [Answer Limit-125 words]
- What were the main aspects of Ashoka’s policy of Dhamma ? [Answer Limit-125 words]
- Bring out the cultural achievements during the reign of Harsha Vardhan. [Answer Limit-125 words]
Note : There are 07 questions in this part. Candidate should attempt any 05 questions. Each question carries 16 marks.
- Why was tripartite struggle for Kannauj a great importance for Indian History? [Answer Limit-250 words]
- Islamic scholar’s left a detailed account of Indian Medieval History,Culture,Polity and Economy. Critically Analyse. [Answer Limit-250 words]
- What were the main causes and effects of the Growth of Vernacular Press in Uttarakhand? [Answer Limit-250 words]
- Bring out the brief outline of the Ancient warrior clans of Uttarakhand. [Answer Limit-250 words]
- Give a brief note about the folk songs and dances of Uttarakhand. [Answer Limit-250 words]
- Revolt of 1857 is neither the first, nor national, nor a war of independence. Critically evaluate. [Answer Limit-250 words]
- Discuss critically the causes of the decline of the Mauryan Empire. How far was Ashoka’s policy of Peace and dhamma responsible for it ? [Answer Limit-250 words]
Kindly submit your answers in the comment box and suggestions for ukpcs team to guide you better for ukpcs mains examination.

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