Rural Development and Community Development Programmes- Role of related Institutions and Organizations including all centrally and State sponsored schemes

Rural Development and Community Development Programmes- Role of related Institutions and Organizations including all centrally and State sponsored schemes. Rural Development Institutions Besides, the administrative set up for planning for Rural Development, there are other Institutions, who plays equal important role in planning, Implementation and Monitoring of rural development programmes. The important among them are: … Read more Rural Development and Community Development Programmes- Role of related Institutions and Organizations including all centrally and State sponsored schemes

Health Indicators

Health indicators are quantifiable characteristics of a population which researchers use as supporting evidence for describing the health of a population. Central  Government is limited to family welfare and disease control programs, the state governments are responsible for primary and secondary medical care with a limited role in specialty care. Vital Health Indicators for India are:- Life … Read more Health Indicators

Health as a component of Human Resource Development

Human Health Plays a crucial role in the Human Development.Even though human development is a broad concept with infinite dimensions, it is said that at all levels of development, there are three basic ones: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Without these basic dimensions, other dimensions such … Read more Health as a component of Human Resource Development